@Blazeingdragin @El_Pikachubra @Hillsy_ LOL, yeah Apple really innovates and surpasses the competition all right. Whenever I try to get my iPhone buddy to check something out on his phone, he says "Dammit, I don't have flash", and I tell him "Oh wait, let me show you on my Android"
It's news because it's not just a matter of a game coming from one platform to another, it's a matter of developers seeing no use for the Wii U's gimmick controller. Like with the Wii, Nintendo's need to stand out and "innovate" is causing developers to stay away.
@OldSchoolPlaya Who's knocking the game for not having Multi-player? It seems like an overwhelming majority supports a solid single-player experience over a tacked on multi-player experience.
@Toysoldier34 I know that they're all released on PC, I'm just saying that they're primarily console titles. I'm sure a PC version we be in development eventually.
@Toysoldier34 Why should it be their main focus? GTA has always been primarily a console title. Just because you're a PC gamer doesn't meas every dev should conform to your platform of choice.
@IndiePrower Modern Warfare 5 in 2015, Black Ops 4 in 2016, Modern Warfare 6 in 2017, Black Ops 5 in 2018.......
hmmm... I'm noticing a trend. The sad part is that with each one of them, people will line up at midnight releases to get their hands on them. As long as Activision continues to make money, they'll continue to recycle the same game.
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