@RPG_Fan_I_Am @galacticobob Sadly, that's the world we live in now. Most gamers buy a game, play through it once, and then sell it. I personally never sell my games. I love replaying my favorites. I think I've played the first Suikoden a dozen times.
$60 for the whole trilogy is a pretty good deal, especially considering that I passed on the whole series. I tried ME2 once, but it just felt like a generic sci-fi 3rd person shooter. Maybe I'll give it another shot.
@SUNDRAGONJ @Venatorcruiser @EliOli Don't get me wrong, CGI is a great thing, but only when it's used appropriately and in moderation. Too much CGI, like in the Episode's 1-3, can kill the movie. Lucas doesn't understand this.
@Venatorcruiser @EliOli The prequels were just barely tolerable. I was only able to stomach them because they were tied to the existing Star Wars universe. As stand alone films, they're garbage.
Hayden Christensen CAN NOT act. There's a reason why he's not in other movies. Natalie Portman is usually good, but she seems to have phoned in her performance in these movies. Ewan McGregor is the only major cast member that is good in the films. George Lucas over-used CGI for literally everything. Rather than shooting on location or building sets, everything was done in front of a green screen, making everything from outdoor environments to interior rooms look fake. Qui Gon and Darth Maul shouldn't have been killed of in the first movie either. I know Maul survived, but he should have been the recurring villain of the trilogy and ultimately replaced by Vader.
@xgalacticax Of course it still exists. Does anyone still use it though, is a better question. I haven't touched my Move controller in a looooooong time. Maybe again for Sports Champions 2. The wife enjoys that kind of stuff.
WhiteStormy's comments