I was not aware that DMC4 was a finished product. Also, a single game is hardly substantial evidence when judging the capabilities of a console.yes it is a word, they disrumored it because they had a side by side gameplay comparison of ps3 DMC4 and 360 DMC4, and it was crystal clear the same.
I've been programming computers for most of my life, and unsurprisingly, I can vouch that the PS3 is the most capable console of the bunch. How is this surprising? After all, the PS3 came out a year after the 360.
As a final note, I've heard that the PS3 demo and 360 demo of DMC4 have different loading times. The PS3 game caches to the hard drive, and load times are less than a second, while the 360 game can sometimes have loading times of up to 15 seconds.
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