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#1 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

Has there ever been game footage released for this? Seems like I've been hearing people hype it forever and can't recall seeing any meaningful footage of it.

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#2 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@bunchanumbers said:

The jump from Wii to Wii U is massive. Otherwise the other machines are not so much. And its expected. You get diminishing returns on power after 720p gaming. Eventually you require massive hardware for a little bit more in graphics. Its not worth it. Instead of resolution the HD twins should be focusing on better effects and a locked 60 fps.

I agree with this. It's not just with consoles, people are going nuts with resolution on all kinds of stuff. It's freaking ridiculous to have 1080p on 5" cell phone screens yet I hear there's gonna be 2K phones before long. Improvements in processing keep getting negated by upping resolution. I like a clear picture as much as anyone but when it gets to the point that you've gotta tape the screen to your face to maybe see any difference it's time to give it a rest already.

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#3 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

PS4 is 7X as powerful as last gen, X1 5X as powerful as last gen ... in terms of graphics processing. So yeah, it's better. But not by as much as I'd hoped ... had expected 10X better graphics processing considering that last gen was 8 years long and how far GPU tech had come. But it's too early to expect to see much of a difference yet. A lot of these games are using last-gen engines as X360 and PS3 versions are also being made.

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#4 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

The "war" was over the day they decided to ship with that crappy hardware instead of biting the bullet and delaying it to redesign the APU and memory architecture once they'd discovered how badly they'd screwed up.

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#5  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@Heirren said:

@sukraj said:

@Wickerman777 said:

@sukraj said:

@tenaka2 said:

xbox 1 is rubbish

why is it rubbish?

Because it uses antiquated memory and is only as powerful as a Radeon 7770.

you can't judge the xbox one to a PC its a console not a pc.

PC fanboys judge based on technological numbers. You have to understand they these pc fanboys, by this train of thought, think that the Vectrex, nes, genesis, snes, psx, etc, etc are all worthless, terrible consoles.

Lol, I've never owned a gaming PC in my life. I wasn't comparing it to gaming PCs but to PS4, which is 50% more powerful and uses better memory. But even PS4 is disappointing. Considering last gen was 8 fargin years long these consoles should have been 10X more powerful than last gen. But PS4 is only 7X as powerful as last gen and X1 a meager 5X as powerful. So basically PS4 is a letdown and X1 just flat-out sucks. Oh, and that's coming from somebody who's last Sony console was the PS1. I had Xbox and then Xbox 360 after that. But they made such a craptacular box this time around that I can't pick them again.

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#6 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@sukraj said:

@tenaka2 said:

xbox 1 is rubbish

why is it rubbish?

Because it uses antiquated memory and is only as powerful as a Radeon 7770.

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#7 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

I think it has the best GUI/OS. They're always improving it with software updates whereas Sony has been dragging their feet. But they totally botched the hardware and that's why I'll pick PS4.

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#8  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts
@HalcyonScarlet said:
@Gaming-Planet said:

Top of the line... lol

Yeah low end cpu paired with a midrange gpu.

Yeah, other stuff aside, the CPU choices this gen are shocking. AMDs aren't exactly monsters to begin with but these things, clocked at that speed...

@Animal-Mother said:

@chikenfriedrice said:

Sony: We don't know why we are selling so many PS4's

Sony: The PS4 specs are already outdated

They must be so proud

you'd be kidding yourself if you didn't think the XB1 specs aren't outdated.

We all know at this point when we buy these machines they're outdated from launch

The GPU is more important than the CPU in a gaming console. I think these Jaguar cores are good enough but there should be 12 instead of 8 (2 get dedicated to the OS) and these consoles should have had 24 GPU compute units instead of 12 and 18. Probably would have raised the price to $500 but so be it. This is the first console generation where I've been very disappointed with the specs for all the machines right out of the gate.

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#9 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@Animal-Mother said:

@chikenfriedrice said:

Sony: We don't know why we are selling so many PS4's

Sony: The PS4 specs are already outdated

They must be so proud

you'd be kidding yourself if you didn't think the XB1 specs aren't outdated.

We all know at this point when we buy these machines they're outdated from launch

It wasn't always that way. X360 and PS3 were pretty good compared to PC tech when they launched. But these consoles, especially X1, are not what they could and should have been. Epic Games hit the nail on the head when they said this console generation should have 2.5 tflop machines.

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#10 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@lostrib said:

@Wickerman777 said:

@lostrib said:

@Riverwolf007 said:

i wish you dudes were not such freaks about resolution.

it uses shitloads of systems resources and you get nothing out of it.

now because of the ignorance of the unwashed masses they focus on resolution instead of important effects like draw distance and lighting and particles and water effects and lighting and ect, ect, ect...

nice job derp squad.

uh it makes the image not look like a blurry mess

Lol, like 1080p or even 720p is a "blurry mess".

720p relative to 1080p is blurry

720p isn't "blurry" relative to anything.