Although MS totally botched the hardware design, and then made matters even worse by stubbornly refusing to do a delay and redesign once the writing was on the wall, I do think that since launch they've supported their console better than Sony has. MS has furiously been working on software updates while Sony has just been plodding along. But although that effort is commendable it isn't going to close the gap. The word is out about the hardware disparity and the damage it's caused won't be overcome.
Wickerman777's forum posts
It's selling so well because MS so thoroughly blew X1's design. I've heard that X1's APU is a bit larger (And expensive) than PS4's yet it's 33%-50% weaker depending on how you want to do the math. They wasted the space on silly data move engines and custom chips for Kinect and ESRAM and all this other nonsense they wouldn't have needed if they had put GDDR5 memory into it. It's like somebody jumping through a bunch of technological hoops to build a VCR that behaves like a DVD player, and not quite getting there, right at the time actual DVD players hit the market. They screwed up big-time and Sony is going to dominate this generation because of it. The goofs should have bit the short-term bullet when they realized the mistake they'd made and delayed it to redesign it. But they weren't willing to concede the jump Sony would get on them (Which Sony now has anyway) and now have no long-term chance.
I guess all that was because they focused so much on Kinect. But it wasn't something gamers really desired to be forced to buy along with the system, so the console design that was Kinect-centric lost it's reason to be so once the camera became an optional peripheral....
It's more than just Kinect. Putting Kinect chips on prime real estate like the APU is dumb but they didn't stop there. In addition to all the DDR3-aiding stuff like data move engines and ESRAM there's even audio chips and crap like that on there ... all things that could have been moved outside of the all-important APU. They were utterly committed to 8 gigs of memory and apparently were not willing to take it on faith that 8 gigs of GDDR5 would be doable by late 2013. But things like Kinect and audio chips on there tells me that the team drastically underestimated the importance of power as well. I suspect that miscalculation was spurred on in some part by the success of the Wii. But that's a bad model to follow because even Nintendo doesn't understand how the Wii became so popular otherwise they would have duplicated that success with the Wii U. X1 is a comedy of errors in terms of hardware design and X1 is going to finish far, far behind PS4 because of it.
@charizard1605: Bragging rights? Sports games? Friends who bought, thus creating a need for their friends to buy one to play online together.
As marginalized as sports games are in this forum, it is a very SIGNIFICANT market because it is one of the few genres where consoles are superior to PC (Football Manager or Out of the Park Baseball aside, but dedicated front office sports games are a niche market).
Hell, I bought a PS4 two days ago because it's literally the only console you can get for a decent baseball sim. The Blue Jays happen to be in the hunt for a playoff spot for the first time since forever. (that and the 19 innings epic against the Tigers)
Sports games like FIFA and PES are superior on PC
I hate that line "Superior on PC" "better on PC", yadda yadda yadda. I hate it because it's so inaccurate. The correct thing to say is "Superior on some PCs" The vast majority of them won't run the games any better, actually worse in many instances.
It's selling so well because MS so thoroughly blew X1's design. I've heard that X1's APU is a bit larger (And expensive) than PS4's yet it's 33%-50% weaker depending on how you want to do the math. They wasted the space on silly data move engines and custom chips for Kinect and ESRAM and all this other nonsense they wouldn't have needed if they had put GDDR5 memory into it. It's like somebody jumping through a bunch of technological hoops to build a VCR that behaves like a DVD player, and not quite getting there, right at the time actual DVD players hit the market. They screwed up big-time and Sony is going to dominate this generation because of it. The goofs should have bit the short-term bullet when they realized the mistake they'd made and delayed it to redesign it. But they weren't willing to concede the jump Sony would get on them (Which Sony now has anyway) and now have no long-term chance either.
Remasters are a big thing these days and MS owns the GOW franchise now. And they're doing the Master Chief collection, 4 remastered Halo games in one package. Anybody think they'll do the same with Gears 1-Judgement or perhaps just Gears 1-3?
Nope. If they could get into a time machine and go back and redesign X1 to have GDDR5 memory and a minimum of 6 more graphics CUs that would sway the hell out of me.
I only watched a couple of minutes of it and that was enough for me to know it's a dumb rant. He is aware these companies are competitors, right? If a company has the means to pay for an exclusive then more power to em'. It is often referred to as a console war, after all.
Although I never cared for those policies they weren't complete dealbreakers to me because I knew MS could (And probably would) change them at a moment's notice. What has killed X1 for me is the terrible hardware. There's nothing they can do about that now. It's written in stone.
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