@Wickerman777 said:
@evildead6789 said:
both consoles are weak sauce
my gpu is a gtx 760
While I agree they aren't what they should have been (Especially X1) I never expected their specs to compete with high-end PC gpus. That's impossible given the cost and power requirements of graphics cards like that. But what they both could, and should, have done is aimed at a $500 price point with 24 functioning compute units in the GPUs and 12 Jaguar CPU cores instead of 8. Those would have been true 1080p machines and I totally believe people would have been willing to pay the extra $100 for them. But there's no time machine to correct things so we've got what we've got. :(
gtx 760 is not a high end gpu lol. I had a 7870 xt before that and then i bought a 750 ti because i wanted to make a httpc. The 7870XT even runs circles around the ps4's gpu. The 750ti is about the same as what's in a ps4, but an old phenom II quad beats the crap out of the ps4's cpu lol.
I bought the gtx 760 because i can sli and for upcoming vr games. The gtx 780 is a high end gpu, or maybe the gtx 770.
The x1 is really not that much weaker as the ps4, everybody's whining about the secret sauce, but the fact is that it isn't secret sauce but it still give an boost to the x1's gpu which is basically a 7790, that's just one tier below the 7850 and that's what's in a ps4.
The 1080p problems is because of the reservation for kinect , which is now gone and the proper tools for that esram. Maybe the ps4 may still have a bit of an edge, but it won't be a difference vs 1080p and 900p, the witcher's comment is just because they're frustated , they have to put the extra work in the X1 version, while the ps4 will be a lot easier to dev for, since it's a lot more like a pc. They also have a pc version so they just going to use one version and they won't use the esram.
Because that's what's basically is the difference between the 7790 and 7850, 1080p vs 900p, the esram can close the gap, but if they won't use it, nobody can do something about that.
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