The fact that the PS3 used G70 chipset (Geforce 7800) and next the WiiU is suppose to be using a R700 chipset ie AMD 4800 series gpu, and MS's next xbox is suppose to be based off the upcoming AMD APU "Trinity" They will have more in common with hardware allowing a more universal basis.
Console hardware and games are not optimized to fact that they can overcome their hardware limits. The only reason they can sqeeze every ounce of resource and make it work on consoles is because its all the same. However Pc games do not have to be designed for a wide range of hardware thats why there are requirements and direct x and opengl to handle everything in between.
Alot of people misunderstand what Optimization is. Some believe its magic coding that allows unlimited possibilities. But once the code/engine has been optiminzed where it uses the least amount of resources to do a job, then its all about compromises and balancing the rest of the resources. that is how it works in a closed system.
PC games DO have to be designed for a wide range of hardware. What are you talking about?...
PC gamers have different GPUs and CPUs in their rigs. All ranging from low end to high end and from different manufacturers. PC games are not made for one specific hardware.
On the other hand, all PS4s will have the same GPUs, CPUs, etc. Same for Wii-U and Xbox 3 respectively.
That's why games are better optimised for consoles, because the software is specifically made for that console's hardware. The same is not true for PC games. That's why optimisation goes a long way for consoles, has nothing to do with magic coding and no-one said it was unlimited.
They do not make custom configs and coding for each and every cpu gpu and amount of memory on the market.... They have a minimum and recommended settings, they allow options for the user to decide what to use and direct x and opengl does the rest of taking advantage of the hardware acceleration when available.
That is true everyone is using different hardware and configurations however thats where requirements come in narrowing down the field. Then Direct x and Opengl come in a supply a standard API that removes the need for making specific code for every single piece of hardware.Again having all the same hardware per brand/type of console does not make optimization better per say. It allows the dev's to spend less time creating different levels of graphics and allows them to use 100% of the hardware resources. Again optimization because of standardized hardware does allow them to go beyond the physical limitations of the resources and hardware. Its like saying with optimization a Geforce 7800GT can match the graphics ability of a Geforce 8800GTX its just plain wrong.
Games on consoles are not that much more optimized then well made Pc games, such as Resident Evil 5, running and looking better on a Geforce 7800GT then both of the HD twins. Also a game like Crysis 1 on consoles being better optimized eh? looks worse, runs worse, features cut, ya optimization at its best.
Almost all console games that push the consoles have graphics toned down in areas, lower resolutions and have framerate issues consoles do not have better optimization then Pc. Its no different then a 360 dev coding for PS3 verson and the PS3 version does not run or look as good. PC dev's and multiplatform dev's that take the time optimization is not a issue on Pc.
It doesn't matter if Direct x and Opengl come in a supply a standard API that removes the need for making specific code for every single piece of PC hardware. All the low-end GPUs and CPUs still handle PC games differently. Same for medium and high end GPU and CPUs. You can see that from benchmarks.
All PS3 hardware on the other hand handle PS3 games the EXACT same way.
That's what I'm saying. Optimisation of games goes further in consoles than it does in PC. Not that console games can be optimised to beat PC games maxed out.
Let me just give one quick example:
Witcher 2 devs are porting the game to Xbox 360.
They have said they may be able to get the game running at medium settings on it at best and low settings at worst.
Yet, 360 hardware is below the minimum system requirements of the game on PC.
That's what I'm talking about.
Optimisation goes further on consoles.
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