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Wildcard2182 Blog

WWE Legends of Wrestlemania

Well, I just totally conquered WWE Legends of Wrestlemania. It doesn't take long to do everything there is to do in this game, which leaves the question, WHY pay 59.99 for it? My only answer is the same reason I pay the same amount on eBay for an old wrestling pay per view. Because I'm a fan. While I know there is nothing left to accomplish on the game, and I've acquired all the trophies, I still will hang on to it. Who knows when I may want to take a trip down memory lane.

Finall Fantasy Chronicles: Final Fantasy IV

Now that Final Fantasy Origins is beaten, it's time to move on to the next in line. Final Fantasy Chronicles which includes Final Fantasy IV. I'm only about 2 hours into the game but, remember the story line relatively well since, I played it back when I was in junior high when it was Final Fantasy II for super nintendo. Anyway, I look forward to the journey and will keep you updated.

Final Fantasy Origins: Final Fantasy II

Well, I finally beat Final Fantasy II on the Final Fantasy Origins game. It took me 32 hours and 55 minutes to finish it up and I didn't quite fill out my bestiary, items found, or photo gallery, so I guess that leaves a little to be discovered on the next go round. So, with Final Fantasy beat in 30 hours and 26 minutes, that brings my total gameplay hours on Final Fantasy Origins to 63 hours and 21 minutes and worth every second.

Final Fantasy II

It's strange how playing a game from the past can invoke so many memories. I haven't played Final Fnatasy II since sometime around Hurricane Katrina, so it's like playing for the first time. However, I do find myself remembering little tidbits of things and also where I was and how my life was different from what it is now. All because of a simple game.

Back to Basics

I've gotten so tired of waiting for Final Fantasy XIII to come out I decided to start the whole series over again from the beginning. I haven't played Final Fantasy Origins in a long time and it is actually pretty fun reliving the whole experience. I finished Final Fantasy I some time ago and started on Final Fantasy II. It's amazing to play such a classic game and still have fun doing it. I guess that says something about the Final Fantasy franchise.

Pokemon FireRed Part II

42 hours and 23 minutes, 73 pokemon in the pokedex, and all 8 badges. I made it through Victory Road and onto the Indigo Plateau. My first run in with the Elite Four went south after losing to the fourth trainer Lance due to poor preparation. I didn't pack enough Revives and Hyper potions so I paid the price. Anyway, now that I'm prepared it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Pokemon FireRed Part 1

I decided to start the series from the beginning. Currently 31 hours and 23 minutes in, with 58 pokemon and 6 badges. I'm on my way to the Cinnabar Islands to get my next badge. So far I'm having fun with this little throwback and plan to continue on into the series until I get back to Pokemon Pearl.

Pokemon Pearl (Part III)

70+ hours into the game, 120 pokemon in the pokedex and 6 badges. I've been running around the Solaceon Ruins trying to catch all the differnet types of Unown. I have about five more to catch, but they are proving to be a little difficult to find. Other than that things are going great!

Pokemon Pearl (Part II)

31 hours and 44 minutes into the game so far. 49 pokemon in the pokedex and only 2 badges. The game is highly addictive and lots of fun. I've been trading with my step-daughter and her Diamond version. She's alot farther than me, but it gives us plenty to talk about, especially when she gets stuck.

Pokemon Pearl

I just started Pokemon Pearl on the Nintendo DS. I was given both the game and DS for my birthday yesterday and I'm very happy about it. I haven't played a pokemon game since Pokemon Gold for the Gameboy back in the day, so I hope I'm not disappointed. I'll try to keep everyone updated.