Alright! So I've been trying to squeeze as much Final Fantasy in as I can, between going to the beach, going out to the tavern and listening to the live bands, going to work, and whatever other activities seem to be flooding my life right now! Not that I'm complaining, I'm having more fun than I've had in a while! Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, Right now I'm 9:16:26 into then game with 11/160 fragments collected. I have to say that so far I love it!!! The storyline to me is absolutely amazing! And this new way of taming enemies and incorporating them into your paradigm is awesome . . . confusing a little at first . . . but awesome! And don't even get me started on the whole time travel things!!! Anyway, I have to stay up and do laundry (yeah laundry at midnight) so I'm going to try and knock out some more! I know I probably shouldn't because then I'm going to get sucked in and end up playing til the sun comes up, which is bad because I work a 14 hour shift tomorrow, scratch that, today!!!
Wildcard2182 Blog
Two games down!!!
by Wildcard2182 on Comments
So since my last entry, I've knocked out Army of Two: The 40th Day and Warhammer 40,000: Space Marines!!! Sent the first one back to Game Fly and I think I'm actually going to keep the second one for a while. I really like the online mode and have been having a blast with it! Started Final Fantasy XIII-2 a couple nights ago and I absolutely love it! Been going out a bit more than usual so I haven't had much time to really get into it like I would like, well that and work. But the next couple of nights looks to be promising for gaming!!!
Army of Two: The 40th Day (Part I)
by Wildcard2182 on Comments
So my next game from GameFly arrived earlier in the week, but because I work all the time, I haven't got the chance to play it yet! So now I'm finally going to put it in and give it a go! I played the first Army of Two with my old roommate but looks like I'll be hitting this one solo! It kind of sucks because I really liked playing the first one with him because he balanced me out.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marines (Part II)
by Wildcard2182 on Comments
So I've been playing as much as I can, and I guess I'm a bit disappointed! =( I was hoping for something a little more like the books I read, but I guess all in all, its really not that bad! Not real sure how many hours I've logged but my profile data says I've collected 12 of 48 Servo Skulls and Game progress is 40%! I'm starting Chapter 7 now. After I finish the campaign, I guess I'll see what the online mode has to offer! I'll keep you posted!!!
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marines (Part I)
by Wildcard2182 on Comments
After reading a few of the Warhammer books that a friend insisted upon me back in October, I was actually kind of excited about this game. So here goes!!! Really hoping it will be as good as the books I read!
Atelier Rorona (Part V)
by Wildcard2182 on Comments
Well after a little over 20 hours, I've complete the game! Ended up getting 32% of the trophies and after checking into what the other ones are, I don't really have a desire to attempt the multiple replays that its going to take to get them! I did enjoy the game though, and I'm glad that I gave it a chance after much hesitation.So its back to Game Fly for the Alchemist of Arland, and on to the next game!
Atelier Rorona (Part IV)
by Wildcard2182 on Comments
As I said before, my first time playing I focused too much on alchemy and not enough on adventuring and as a result I got to a point where I could not progress. So I started over with the knowledge of what I did wrong before and created a more balanced attack. Now I'm in Year 3 Month 3 Day 22; Adventurer Level 28; Alchemy level 32; Play Time 0:23:12:57! It was easier this time around because I already knew what was coming so I could be much more prepared. I have about three hours before work, so I'm going to try and knock out some alchemy!!!
Atelier Rorona (Part III)
by Wildcard2182 on Comments
So I made it all the way to Year 3 and got to an area where I couldn't get past the enemies in time to complete the assignment in time! I tried everything, but I just wasn't a high enough adventure level to get it done. So, I decided to start over again from scratch, that way I don't make the same mistake as I did before.
Atelier Rorona (Part II)
by Wildcard2182 on Comments
Okay, to catch up on where I'm at: Adventurer Level 20, Alchemy Level 31, Play Time 0:12:59:11
I'm in year 3 and find myself doing more alchemy than adventuring! I'm still learning the system of the game, but I'm actually enjoying it!
Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland
by Wildcard2182 on Comments
Well I'm taking a break from Fallout 3 fora bit and playing the game that I just got from GameFly. Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland! I've been playing for about four hours now and at Year 1 Month 4 Day 25. Still a low level (I don't even think I'm at level 10 yet) and the game is a little confusing to me! It doesn't give much guidance as to where to go to get your ingredients and having to return to the shop every so often to heal which takes away days from your deadline is a pain! There has got to be some better way to go about this and maybe the more I play the more I will figure it out!
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