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Wildcard2182 Blog

Bakugan Battle Brawlers!!!!

Now I know what your thinking, "Bakugan???? Really?????" but let me tell you this is one of those games that is crazy addicting!!! GameFly had it in my queue and I decided sometime last week to give it a shot and then never looked back. So here we are 30 hours and 30 minutes later, with the game completely beat and 100% of the trophies. This is only my third game to get 100% of the trophies, so it has a special little place in my heart!!! I never watched the cartoon or played the game, so I didn't know what to really expect from this little gem, but I wasn't disappointed at all. Even though it got a bit repetitive down the line when I was unlocking everyone, and the hard difficulty wasn't that hard at all, I still enjoyed the time that I put into the game. Now when I see "Bakugan" I'll think twice before I make fun of it or say "That's for kids!"

That didn't take long!!!

When I said earlier that I didn't think it would take me much longer to finish off HAWX, I wasn't expecting to be done this soon. Then again, I did play for about four hours. So, here I am, 100% completion with 26% of the trophies! Now that I have it beat, I'll try later on to finish trophy hunting. A lot of the ones left are all online trophies and I'm just not ready for that right now. I did go ahead and purchase the Supremacy pack of the PSN, just to juice the game up a little more. I finished at level 18, so I still have a ways to go before I hit level 40. I only finished the very first mission on all three difficulties, so there is always that too. But that can wait for a later date. I'm thinking about going to sleep now, since I have to be up for work in 6 hours, although I don't think that's going to work. What to play next???

Tom Clancy's HAWX

I've decided that the next game I'm going to try and beat is Tom Clancy's HAWX. I started this game about a year ago and according to my old save data, I'm about 63% through. So, this may be another quick one for me to finish up, but at least I can say that I finally beat it. I remember enjoying the game quite a bit. I like flying games, but it seems like there aren't many out there. If anyone has any suggestions on some good ones, let me know. See ya in the sky!!!

Thinking of getting rid of some games!!!

I'm sitting here trying to decide what game to play next from my collection and I can't choose. But as I sit here, I realize that I have games that I'm never gonna play again, or just didn't like that much to begin with. I think the only reason I've held on to them for this long is that I can't stand the idea of only getting 5 or 10 bucks for a game that I payed 60 (well in some cases a lot less but still). How does everyone feel about trading in games? I mean, they don't give you very much, then mark up the price to almost 3 times what they gave you. On the other hand it gives others the chance to play a new game fora discount. All my games are in excellent condition, in the original cases with the instruction booklets. I think that maybe I'll see if any of my friends would like to guy them first. I don't know! It would be nice to have some feedback from some fellow gamers!

Just finished Battlefield: Bad Company

Well, that didn't take all that long and I actually had fun playing it. I finished it with only 27% of the trophies, but I didn't expect to get too many. I played through rather quickly not really exploring all that much, not trying to find all the gold and collectibles. But I'm amazed that I only missed two of the collectibles. I played through on the normal difficulty setting and was challenged quite a bit. Shooter games aren't really my specialty but as I said before, this one was actually pretty fun and kept me amused =). Not sure which game I'm going to go after next. Bioshock is the next in line on the shelf so I may go ahead and try and beat that one. But, I will be looking to pick up Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and see where the boys end up.

Pokemon Sapphire update!

It has been a while since I picked up the old DS and played Pokemon. It has probably been even longer since I've updated my progress on it. I played a little last night before bedtime while the girlfriend was watching "Bad Girls Club" and made it to Dewford Town where I got my second badge. Current stats are: Time 21:36; Poke-dex 22; Badges 2! It's a slow work in progress and I really take my time trying to catch every available Pokemon in an area so my time will always be a lot higher than normal. So that's where I'm at there.

Finally finished Assassin's Creed!

I had the day off yesterday so I was determined to go ahead and try and finish Assassin's Creed! I started when I got off work at 2 am and played until about noon. Some of the little information gathering jobs got a little tougher in the later part of the game but I still managed to fight my way through them. Now that the game is over, the first thing I can say is "What's up with that ending???" =) Anyway, overall I thoroughly enjoyed the game even though it got a bit repetitious at times. I'm looking forward to continuing on with Assassin's Creed II, but I'm going to wait a bit until I beat some of my other games. Next in my collection is Battlefield: Bad Company! This one has trophies so if it's any good it may take me a bit to get all of them (if I can). Well, here goes!

Been away for a while!

Well, its been a while since my last post. Things have been crazy busy here. Work is in overdrive and it seems like I've been watching a lot more movies as of late and not doing very much gaming. Tonight is the first time I've picked up the controller in almost two weeks. I pre-ordered Marvel vs Capcom 3 today and I'm really excited about it. I'm not that great at fighting games but I like what I've read about this one and my roommate is a big fan, so I guess it's not too bad of an investment. Anyway, I'm going to try and make some long over due progress in Assassin's Creed and see if I can't finish it off this week. Hope everyone is well!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Well, here we are in 2011! I've been off for a couple of days now and not really doing much of anything. I haven't made it any farther in any of my games. I'm thinking about playing a little tonight, but I'm not sure if that's what will happen. But if I do, I'll let everyone know how it goes. Happy New Year everyone!

Happy New Year!

Well, here we are in 2011! I've been off for a couple of days now and not really doing much of anything. I haven't made it any farther in any of my games. I'm thinking about playing a little tonight, but I'm not sure if that's what will happen. But if I do, I'll let everyone know how it goes. Happy New Year everyone!