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Wildcard2182 Blog

Fallout 3

I've been playing for about 3 days now. I'm currently at level 6 with my playtime at 12:06. It is an interesting game with lots of interesting characters and locations. I'm not much for following the story straight through in games like this one. I try and explore everywhere and see everything there is to see. So far I haven't done much but with the holiday weekend and no family around I'm sure I'll probably make some pretty good progress.

Way behind!!!

It's been a while since I've written anything!!! Life has been rather crazy since my last entry! Way too much to go into but things look to be back on the right track finally even though I had to do some down-sizing for a while. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to make a better effort to keep up to date with things here on my profile!

I've seen the Light and the Dark!

Well, since my last entry, I've beaten Sacred 2 on both the light and the dark campaign! I did just about everything I could on the light campaign with my seraphim so when i started the dark one with the inquisitor, it went really quick. So with that said and done, I started another run of the game with the dryad on light, got her to level 15 (for the trophy) then retired her. Now I'm going taking a break and trying to decide which of my games I will try and go after next!

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel

This is a game that I've been playing off and on since it came out and I've decided its time to see where its going. I picked the Seraphim as my first character what seems like 10 years ago, and after 103h 27 min, here I sit at level 38 and knee deep in the jungle region! I have only 59% of the map revealed during this whole play through. Anyway,its a nice rainy day here in Florida so,I'm going to try and hammer some more of this one out!

Done with Alpha Protocol

I guess that really didn't take all that much time to beat. I managed to get 53% of the trophies on my first run of the game. By the looks of it, you need to do a couple runs to get all of them, but I really don't have the desire to go through all the same missions all over again just to make one different decision at the end! So, it's off to GameStop with this one and hopefully get a little out of it. Otherwise, I'll keep it, shelve it, and maybe one day give it another go!

Finally beat Enchanted Arms

Well after playing off and on for about two years, I've finally beat "Enchanted Arms." The ending was a bit disappointing, but I guess it was what I was expecting! Anyway, now that I'm done I guess its time to move on to something new. Now that I think about it, I need to finish "Alpha Protocol."

Alpha Protocol (Part 3)

Finished up the missions in Moscow and Rome! Now I've moved on to the final location in Taipei! I have about two missions left there and then its on to the end of the game! Almost through!!!

Enchanted Arms

I can't believe I'm still trying to finish this game! Right now I'm running around the "Basin" area trying to build up enough money to purchase and synthesize the last golem available at the store. Progress bar says I'm 46% through the story, and I've been playing for 43 hours. Since I'm kind of just running around, I'm only playing it a couple hours at a time then stopping! I'm still amazed at how many golems there are that you can put in your party!

Alpha Protocol ( Part 2)

Well, I finished my first set of missions and I'm not real sure if I'm going to continue to play this one out! The controls are still wacky and the shooting mechanics are ridiculous! You have to wait with your sights on someones head until it turns red to get a one shot kill!!!! Really, I'm shooting someone in the head for Christ sake!!!! I popped one guy in the head from behind a crate and he just turned around with half his life and started shooting! Sometimes its just easier to run in a room and fight everyone hand to hand!!! The dialogue is interesting though and I would like to see where the story goes, so . . . that may be my only reason for finishing it. Anyway, I have today off, so I'm going to play for a while.

Alpha Protocol

I've decided to give Alpha Protocol a try since its one of the other games I received from GameFly. So far I guess you could say its okay. I think the rpg elements are pretty cool, like how you can upgrade certain stats to fine tune your character. The gameplay controls are a little wacky, but that could just be me. So far the story line is actually pretty intriguing, so I'll let you know how that unfolds. I've only played for about an hour and made my way through the training, which was a kind a difficult actually!!! But once again, its probably just me. Anyway, I'll keep you posted on the progress!!!!