Like the real Gamespot, the world is always filled with many characters.
Take the central city, where the main Gamespot castle and all the unions, are:
As you can see, there are dozens of people at once. These in particular are heading to System Wars for the unveilment of the score for Super Mario Sunshine.
Even on a normal day, it's very busy. You may find yourself bumping to a lot of people.
Each of them even has something to say, like this cow saying it's the worst day ever, reffering to Super Mario Sunshine. Note that back in 2002, a game flopping like that was unthinkable, and cows had thought it was doomsday for them and that sheep will own System Wars forever. Hmmm.
Also, I will put System Wars: The Game screenshots in Gamespot Images from now on. Imageshack is very nice, but you can't go back to them. Not only that, it will give you some images to look at without having to look over myblogs.
You can view the screens here.
Well, back to work.
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