It says you can "check a game out of the library" at 1:46
Meaning only "ONE" person can play at a time.
Think of it this way.... If you go to a video rental place to check out Batman Returns, but the last copy was just rented out to your friend do you think you would be able to watch it on your TV at the same time he watches it on his TV if you are living in different houses? NO
I watched that entire video... btw Major Nelson skirts around questions like a champ... lol
For example, if your friend is playing Call of Duty, you think without owning the game yourself you can just jump on and play with him? You can share with 10 friends... so does that mean 1 person buys the game and 11 people have unlimited access? NO
You think that MS and publishers and devs would agree to losing 90% of their sales?
Provide me with a credible link saying that more than one person can play a Multiplayer game on separate accounts at the same time with only ONE game license.
lol... exactly. Just goes to show who is calling the shots in Microsofts gaming division. They know absolutely NOTHING about the industry or what we as gamers want.
well in their statement they said something like we expect to sell over a billion consoles this generation.... I was assuming they meant all 3 and mabe even steambox and ouya as well. I they mean just the X1.... well that makes it even more funny.
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