Graphics look great but overall with all this so called high end tech it seems they still cant make a game that has length of single player campaign or enough action filler to keep you on your toes. This game could have easily been on ps3 just a wee bit less graphic. So far next gen isn't impressing me a whole lot. Developers need to look back when games were very long single player with lots of content not requiring DLC of any type with great stories. Not focused on multi player as more people only play single player by far over multi player. Which might not be the case if sony and Microsoft didn't charge for memberships for games that could be played on pc for free in multiplayer as the ps3 can do. Will be worse when games like elder scrolls online etc come out then ya will be paying their fees and the console fees as well. Just honestly feels like each new generation is giving us better systems but less in everything game related. As far as games go the only thing improving is the graphics so far.
@thriftymutt All free to play really is nothing more then a way to get people to pay a hell of a lot more then they would a full retail game. Free to play is ya get what you pay for ya pay nothing ya get crap.
Only thing I want to see about EA is it is going bankrupt and the titles are being sold to real good developers who care for their gamers not rob them blind with half baked crap.
"EA cancels" Wow never thought I would hear EA say them words.....(sarcasm) EA are the lords of ruining everything and will drag down gaming until they are dealt with.
It dosent matter what EA does anymore as far as changing one tool to another wont fix what has made this company so terrible. Only hope EA has is relearn what they did right in the past, dump all the crap they are trying to force on players now and fire all the management who makes these very poor choices that are making them so bad OR sell all the good game titles to companies who actually give a damn about their gamers and send them the developers who made them great.
Free to play is more of a get what you pay for set up. I wont play free to play ever I prefer to own on a physical media that I pay a set amount to get a complete game not some half asses game that requires you to pay far more then retail to get a full experience.
Microsoft you can keep all your digital items as digital means you never own it and if Microsoft stops supporting whatever item you can never get it back. If it isn't a retail on disc I wont touch it with a ten thousand foot pole pole ever. Hope Microsoft knows it just as easy to cancel a pre order as it was to make one.
GTA Online to add microtransactions? Really? Thay made over a billion dollars in three days and now are talking microcrapactions? Good thing I will never play multiplayer then as I have no love at all for microtransactions.
Wrathesoul's comments