Sad any game closing but when EA is involved closures are not uncommon that is why their idea of a digital only game future is just their way of saying lets rip people off give them a game and once we are bored of it we stop supporting it and they cant do a thing about it when the game stops playing. EA is crap.
Nice gesture if the game didn't flop so hard and probably don't make much of anything from the game itself or dlc. EA empty as always. They could have at least done that with a actually popular game.
I pre ordered the xbox one ONLY for its gaming side I already own 90% of its other useless features on things in my living room. I really don't care about any of the TV options I never watch TV ever only movies and I got a bluray/dvd player for them so DONT need it in the xbox.
Honestly just close down EA give all the poor companies like popcap there independence back so they can fix what EA has broke sell all their titles to GOOD developers so the once great games like dragons age etc can be made good again. We done need EA or from what I see from others want it. Everything EA says or does is negative for gamers. I feel bad for the people who work for that rotten company that aren't involved with the beyond bad decision making people. I have seen people say EA is the worst company in America I cant agree there are some real stinkers out there but I do feel EA is the WORST gaming company in the world.
@AverageGameJoe @Wrathesoul From everything I have been reading I sadly don't think we will be seeing a good Mass Effect or Battlefront for a long time if ever again. No game is great when they sell you it as a full complete retail game then inform you ya need to buy more costing twice as much or more to have a total complete experience or take enough away from the game like they did in dead space 3 and offer you microtransactions so you can make the best of the best weapons etc faster then grinding for days if you don't buy them.
Simple no DVD/Bluray no sale. Incomplete game requiring me to buy the rest of the game to make it complete costing far over a standard retail release price..No sale free to play.. no interest. Knowing your wages.. even less interest am not interest in greed earned money. Knowing what you see as a future for gaming is your right to the opinion but its a HUGLY flawed one that will go in the same direction as THQ and other companies that have fallen from grace.
@AverageGameJoe Only way EA will ever be more then a steaming pile is if they sell their business to one or more of the companies you have stated ot CD Projekt Red which is the most customer loving company hands down don't even charge for expansions.
As if we should care who the new leader in lies, scams and greed is?
Looking ahead, my focus will be on three things:
1. Continued transformation for our digital future; FAIL we want something we can see touch put on a shelve not something when EA gets bored of they stop supporting it and we lose it.
2. Delivering amazing games and services across platforms; Make them full games not needing BS microtransactions to complete the game in content and levels then maybe and
3. Instilling a culture of execution that will drive profitable growth. GREED GREED GREED and GREED WAS THEIR NAME OOOOO.
I guess my lack of fear and such is due to the fact I look at everything as what it is I.E. a video game or on the TV neither of which are slightly fear causing. I figure when they get full VR like star trek sorta thing but with pain and such that might do it for me but as everyone knows the great ppl of Japan will make it and not share for quite a while after haha
Wrathesoul's comments