I have yet to find a game or movie that is even slightly scary sadly the closest game to ever get my nerves active was the first project zero/fatal frame. Who knows maybe next gen will finally make something really scary.
Not that I wouldn't buy this as I own all Zelda games well most all games in general haha BUT I am seriously over remakes all they are IMO are money grabs and proof the companies are losing their creative streaks even more then all them part 1-2-3-4 etc of games. I truly miss unique games like Borderlands and Demons/Dark souls. If gaming is to ever going to wow its gamers the way they use to they need to moved ahead and do new and better things not keep looking at their arses hoping money will pop out.
I enjoy all the fables 1-3 as they are single player good story focused and not online where the game I am sure will be made unenjoyable do to the masses of kids and annoying people who got attitudes bigger then their brains are that surly will plague it as they do in wow and every other mmo. If there is no solid long single player part to this game sadly I shall have to avoid buying it as if it was the end all plague that ends the world kinda like EA is tring to do to the gaming world currently haha.
@CaptWaffle @Wrathesoul @engenderreality Wow I see your lack of education strikes firm and strong I speak about having gaming be less or not controlled at all and you say I worship at a corporate alter are you seriously that weak in the hear? Really? When you been a gamer for 36 years and get off mommies tit for five minutes I might take your comment seriously but at it stands your a moron a thinks he knows it all knowing nothing moron. If I converse with such ignorance and seriously immaturity any longer I fear I might catch whatever mentally damaging condition ya got. Someday maybe ya will learn to accept others opinions even if you don't agree with them instead of acting like a drugged out punk who didn't get his fix.
All I can say is LMFAO and if they didn't make such a ignorant bunch of choices at the announcement of the system to enrage so many the xbox one would never have earned the BONE title. Still funny Microsoft pays to own its bone haha
I am over everything about EA and Peter Moore I really do not give a crap about anything either says anymore as its all about them being selfish full of lies and control freaks who give us free to play games that are nothing more then incomplete full games that end up costing us far more then a retail release when and if we ever unlocked everything to make it as close to full as we can. EA is not a gamers company anymore not even in the slightest and this Peter Moore is an ancient fool with no true gamer knowledge to know we want to pay for our fully completed games from dvd/blu ray so we don't have to deal with microtransactions and having to download the game every time we uninstall it to make room for other games. He is a tool and EA is the broken machine he is making worse. If it wasn't for all the good people working for EA I would seriously wish the worst for the company but its not the workers faults its the shit arse management like Peter Moore. Its truly sad to me great companies like THQ go out of business but utterly useless companies like EA and Capcom still exist to rob us blind lie to us and just give us more crap then treasures.
Wrathesoul's comments