Capcom is becoming as bad as EA is. Free to play is BS like the age old saying goes ya get what you pay for. Ya pay nothing ya get nothing and Everything EA and slowly Capcom are becoming is nothing.
Another game that could have been great already on its way to failure. Free to play = Free to avoid. I refuse to pay triple or more for what a normal games retail price is. Capcom the next EA.
Until EA is NOT the worst gaming company in the world they will never dethrone anything but themselves. I don't care for either game as far as the multiplayer goes but single player CoD was more fun and knowing EA wants to get rid of single player in their games or make them just bad single player I have zero care or interest in what this dreadful company has to say.
Also thinkis time for Enix to pop us out a awesome dragon warrior/quest game one of them 100 hour+ ones. Maybe teach square a rpg that isn't even 15 hours long isn't that impressive.
I love every FF game from the very first one made and as time goes on there story and content (open world exploration) seem to be shrinking more and more. I don't hate any of the 13th versions just don't love them like the others as they just seem more and more limited and lacking each 13-2 etc and this one looks no different take away groups toss in final fantasy x-2 dress system and you get nothing new and a lot less. I will still buy it in hopes but cant hold my breath on this one as it just feels like square enix are losing their creative streak so much more and find it easier to just toss out more of the same with less to it.
Best news I have heard in a long while this is considering all the BS from EA and the petty fight between Microsoft fan boys and sony fan boys and the piles of crap games lately (excluding gta5 which is amazing)
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