@mrboone01 So them taking a chance and making a good game that is different from the same crap all the time. Somehow screwed it up for everyone else and explains why no on else is willing to take a chance? please explain as I am honestly curious as to how your thinking works.
I wish all consoles had a simple optional feature in the main menu. "Upon system boot if a game disc is in the tray. Boot game. To disable leave tray open or empty it upon system launch and disable this feature". And to help with downloadable titles add another option "Upon System boot go to game library." None of this "HEY GUYS HERE IS THE SHOP ICON. SPEND YOUR MONEY PLEASE. WE AREN'T BEING PERSISTENT IN OUR ATTEMPTS TO GET YOU TO SPEND MONEY! OH HEY DON'T LOOK OVER AT THAT TINY ICON THAT HAS YOUR GAMES. PRESS THIS ONE! IT IS BIGGER AND SHOWS MORE STUFF!"
Main reason why a service like steam sees most of my gaming money over nintendo, sony and microsoft combined is very simple. It is free to sign up and you do not pay to play online, get deals on everything during sales, cloud save, can browse the internet in game, chat with friends via text and voice in real time without having to go through various menus to respond to them, when you buy something you do not have to worry about over excessive DRM (odd exception is when devs are lazy to remove their excessive DRM and as a result I refuse to buy those titles).
So because of those reason's. When I spend money on steam, I don't feel like I am wasting it. As I have the mindset of "oh I paid for this subscription to play online, or whatever feature I get in the subscription and if I don't I am wasting lots of money every month!". Opposed to steam where it is like "oh I spent $30 on this item...... I will get to it when I get to it. May it be a month or two years down the road. No need to force myself to rush through the purchase I made".
CEO: "Oh noes guys we overprice our used sales and aspect consumers to buy a destroyed case and sometimes damaged disc to save $5 over buying it new! What should we ever do?"
Employee: "But boss we are still making a profit either way!"
CEO: "But I want to buy my summer home on a private island this month! not in another two when summer is almost over."
Funny thing about all this drama with server issues is this. Players were educated going into their purchase knowing about the always online deal. And if you didn't like it then don't buy it. The company isn't so much to blame but the gamers as well. Because remember guys with every purchase of this game driving sales through the roof. Only shows that the gaming community as whole don't mind these absurd DRM practices being forced onto us. And its only a matter of time before most devs take this approach. Since the publishers that force their devs to do this absurd DRM act listen to our wallets not our voices.So if you don't support it. Then don't buy it and stand with the part of the gaming community that is willing to say "Enough of this".
@VarietyMage There isn't one. I guess gamespot is taking the Nintendo approach. Don't show negativity towards one another. But instead more positive things. That way everyone is a winner all the time : D Or in other words if you got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Companies need to consider dynamic pricing. Paying less or more for a specific amount of content. Not this flat rate across the board. I would have been happier paying $30 new for vanquish. But I would have raged if I had to pay anymore then the $40 I spent on it. And on the grounds of saying games need Multiplayer. Complete BS. So many games I could list have been ruined due to it. The only solution I see, is setting a cap for pricing and then dropping the price according to what you are paying for.
@NRDubZ Not sure if me and my friends are the only ones. But when it comes to RPG and Strategy style games. We avoid reading FAQs, manuals, etc. and try to figure out as much as we can on our own. I remember making about 8-10 different guys in Diablo 2 before I found the 3 classes I enjoyed playing and how to make fun characters. And that made the game a blast. Same thing with torchlight. I know my friends did the same thing. Only after we beaten it a handful of times we watched and see what crazy stuff other players did and recreate something similar if we liked it enough. None of this I NEED THE OFFICIAL PLAYER GUIDE TO TELL ME HOW TO PLAY AND BUILD THE PERFECT CHARACTER NONSENSE. Maybe we are stuck in a older sense of mind and don't do what the newer kids are doing where they are lazy and take the shortest route possible to be good. And as a result I feel they are ruining some of the stuff that made D1 and D2 great, when they take those choices away. Because right now with seeing my friends play the beta and what they told me. I view D3 as a hack and slash action adventure game. Not a RPG.
Wula_'s comments