@Germandude2 @XxAK47xX well yes this was a terrible was of answering the question or what ever happen. the Don guy did come off as a complete asshole that made him and the company look bad.
@killerclam48 @XxAK47xX @cirugo true, but thats such a small percentage of people/events. there is still months for microsoft to fix these kinks/ or cracks.
@cirugo @XxAK47xX we can be complaining about something that eventually needs to happen. dont get me wrong i am pretty angry about used game/ drm but having a console connected to the internet at all times is pretty great. oh sorry i guess i forgot about privacy, buy im not worried because im not a killer, drug lord or a rapist to be worried about a computer analyzing geometric shapes in a home space.
everyone complaining about internet shouldnt be complaining. you are chatting on website by accessing the internet. The |Used game/share problem is the only thing that we should be angry about.
@xeoneex66 @Shewgenja @spindie The majority of their consumers? the people who bitch like a baby on these websites are prolly a fraction of their customers. there are a lot of people out their..more than enough that have an internet connection and want a device that can do everything.
XxAK47xX's comments