@deathwish026 @xeoneex66 @XxAK47xX @FULGOREY2K @importantbrothe well so have you. im the one that's patiently. Most people are kicking and screaming at a fucking curtain. Im not angry, i just want people to understand that if you want not support a company, at-least wait until they announce all the details and then. Just don't purchase the unit. The amount of kicking, screaming and threats that came out of the "gamer" mouths these last few days is like a Death To America type of ordeal. This is why i say relax bro.
Another ways is to leave constructive feedback comments in a civilized way.
@Mohjong think about it the screen is 14 inches. you dont need full 1080p res. its actually smart to lower that and have those resources used for frame rate. But yes the price point is way to high
this is the reason why developer love the fact that Microsoft is finally fixing the situation. Game Studious will flock over to Microsoft because its safer there. I believe there is a good chance that Sony will follow.
You should get rid if your cell phone, laptop, GPS and any other Internet connect device. Oh also log off these website like Facebook myspace. Ign and other. All your information can just as easily be tracked, accessed and store.
I never wanted to believe this but it is true. Playstation fans are the scum of gaming. There are no manners, no loyalty, and will spit in the hand that gives them gold. The second Sony trips up they will open your mouth and produce projectile vomit on everything while closing your eyes and ears.
XxAK47xX's comments