@brothersinarmsb no do the other way around. this little spike is just because of impulse buyers. when microsoft starts dropping big news on their super entertainment system, Microsoft stock wire rise.
its going to be a easy id transfer. kinda like when you go to your friends house to play xbox live. you transfer your id to their console. the only time the fee will be an "issue' is when you purchase a used game. but most likely if you borrow a game from a friend, it will be a Game ID transer. when your done with the game it will be sent back to the owner.
@mike9876543210 @snova9308 @Katz @fred0309 im not a 100% sure but i had the yellow light of death many times because and all i do is a hard reset and its fixed. holding down the power button for 3 beeps.
its not even finished and people are already using their degrees in fashion and interior design to make fun of it. everyone need to calm the F@C& down and wait another 6 days or what ever it is.
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