Yea and all smartphone have pretty much a constant online Strauss with two cameras multiple speakers and access to GPS location. Oh but people bitch a moan a out a camera that is sitting in a living room made for gaming/ entertainment.
@fatherofsword but explain to me, How this affects your life? DRM or NOT, what were you planning on doing with your game other than playing it at your house or at a friends. Am i missing something? your games follow you no matter what. if your game collection is 100+ then you can access those games anywhere anytime without carrying a physical disk.
Unless you were really hoping on stealing and ripping games.
am i the only one not affected by any of the news? it seems like everything they say is having catastrophic event in your lives! To be fair, the only thing that is slightly catching my attention is the the fee. Even then majority of my games i buy are new, just like buying PC games. I just want to know who is paying for that. I think it will be a small fee for consumers or it will be a fee for the game stop people.
@KelpsterD people are stubborn and mentally retarded. People think their opinions are worth a bar of gold. I believe Xbox can hit 500 million i can see sony hitting maybe 3-400 million. WIIU i just don't know. i feel like a billion is kinda of a stretch for any of them. Unless they get the pricing down fast along with an insane amount of Good advertising.
Lol and then when you go to use the ps4 you will be frustrated. Ha ha see what I did there! I'm being a little bitch because I'm a fan boy that can only afford one console using my allowance money.
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