There is a lot of misinformation coming out about the X1, even from known websites like IGN. I would advice everyone to let the dust settle and wait for official confirmation directly from Microsoft.
It is far too late for that, my friend. The genie is already out of the bottle, and gamers know that Microsoft made a huge overreach with the Xbox One.
Microsoft made a very big miscalculation in assuming that people would pretty much tolerate anything, and now they are paying the price for that.
I suspect that the fallout on this is going to be greater than we can even imagine, particularly if the price of the new Xbox One is high. If they price it very low, they might come out of this ok, but even that may not save them. They are in serious trouble, and they deserve to be.
you are acting like are decisions are already final for them. they are prolly sitting at a desk and discussing these topics as we speak . Sony is prolly just sitting back and waiting for a response. The game developers want this to happen. why would ( lets say ea ) want to publish a game on ps4 if they know that they are not going to make as much money. All developers can very well say that we are going where the moneys is because this is what we wanted all this time.
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