@northArrow @Xyekenvort How is Heavy Rain better than Halo, Tales of Vesperia (at the time), Gears of War, Infinite Undiscovery, Lost Odyssey, Perfect Dark Zero, etc?
Don't get me wrong, PS3's exclusives destroy and bury the Xbox to the ground, but Heavy Rain is just terrible...
@ChaoticLucidity Yes that's true, but it's also accepting multiple multiplayer combinations at the same time worldwide, for free. I'm pretty sure From Software has crazy costs to maintain those servers, and they don't have nearly as much money as Blizzard or Square. So yeah, I still don't get why can0t it be free...
@mulletmadness29 @Xyekenvort Souls' online modes work fine to me. Have flaws here and there, but honestly I saw friends of mine having alot more online trouble playing WoW...
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