Console wise yeah, they're the ONLY ones doing something diferent. But games wise, not so much. They're top quality games in terms of game design, but the last really innovative game they had was Xenoblade Chronicles (and that's still debatable)...
@realshooter305 @Xyekenvort @nickpeck36 But those are two brilliant games, hell Dark Souls is in my opinion the single greatest. But were speaking of whole console catalogs, and Nintendo wins easy. Sony and M$ have way too many Hollywood "games" and shitty shooter knock-offs that stall innovation...
@noandno @Xyekenvort @Ovirew Hahah xD Yes the oldies beat the shit out of the new ones, but the new Nintendo games still beat the competition. Galaxy 1&2 wipe the floor with all other games, game design wise...
@Ovirew @Xyekenvort See what I mean? You get it, people don't care about innovative and groundbreaking game design anymore! They just care about the Hollywood stories, and all the blood n the killing...*sigh*
@Ovirew @Xyekenvort The reason why I think Nintendo has the best games is because i've "played" all the other interactive movies and shitty shooter knock-offs the competition has been living off of...
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