@Xristophoros @Xyekenvort @GSGuy321 I'm sorry, but how is that being objective? You complain about me, but you come and say "Wii U will just have this and that, while the others have HOLY SHIZ, ZOMG AVERYTHANG". Like...
At least Nintendo makes games catering towards people that loved video games as it's own medium, and not some shitty hollywood sci-fi/war film with some of the most generic plots and overused mechanics...
I'm not saying Nintendo is the god originality, but compared to Sony and Shitsoft? Jesus christ...
@GSGuy321 @Xyekenvort And by moved on, you mean caving to this stupid mentality that many gamers nowadays have - BLOOD, KILLING, HOLYWOOD DRAMA, AWESOMZ!!
@GSGuy321 @Xyekenvort @Xristophoros Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros, new Zelda built from the ground up (instead of a rehash of OOT), Bayonetta 2, X (this is gonna be a defining game for it's generation, like Xenoblade was), Donkey Kong, and the multiple indie/3rd party games it'll eventually have...
PS4 and X1 have Watchdogs, FFXV...and the rest is mostly uninteresting IMO...
@Axile11 @Xyekenvort I honestly don't get how people say xbox's online play is way better than PS3's...a friend of mine has a xbox and i've played dark souls there, and it's just as bad...AND YOU HAVE TO PAY IT!!
One thing I really want the PS4 to do is improve on the onlide dramatically. I love the fact PS3's online is free to play, and it's a reson for why I shouldn't be complaining, but it lags on me SOO much in many of the games I play.
If PS4's online fixes 90% of the lag, i'm more than sold!
This is great news and all, but i'm not sure I wanna get spoiled on the game's hardest areas before the final game comes out. I can't believe i'm doing this, but I won't sign for this =(
Xyekenvort's comments