@darthrevenx: You were probably running a poor build in DA:I, many classes could solo higher difficulties with the right build, Archer was one of the better ones with the right weapon/gear. Also, Life on Kill rings. DA:I's multiplayer is also far superior to ME:A's.
And yes, I was including bronze, early mornings and late nights are both pretty dead, especially if you want to run the strike team missions. Its difficulty scaling is awful as well. The main issue is the enemies have almost no regard for their own survival as they did in ME3 and happily rush your cover en masse[Edit: which wouldn't be such an issue if they weren't immense bullet sponges that often can take 3-4 mags to drop], they also spawn in impossible locations. One match we'd holed up in a fully encapsulated room, there were no doors, vents or windows in this room and it had one wall open as the entrance, and yet we had enemies spawning behind us inside the room. Not stealthers either, like, freaking walking tanks and stuff.
@catsimboy: I actually borrowed it from a friend expressly to check out the multiplayer after having enjoyed ME3's multiplayer so much.
Not only is Andromeda's multiplayer totally bunk, but no one's playing it. It's pretty common to not be able to get into a game at all, and when you do for it to be a laggy mess.
Singleplayer might actually be worse. The game's AI in both cases seems to consist of "zerg the player with our superior numbers and lack of regard for self-preservation!" It's not at all fun. That leaves characters and writing, the former range from not bad to actively obnoxious, mostly in the latter category, and the writing often feels like the dialog wasn't written by the same person or at the same time with statement/response pairings that don't even make sense together. Then there's the animation bugs, the bizarre audio balance, the lack of sound effects, the fairly frequent lack of audible dialog (make sure subtitles are on!), the godawful menus, the frequent lack of music, the characters who endlessly overshare and on and on...
@fig56: Starting it out with "still rotate" implies there would be reason to think they no longer rotate, but then goes on to stay they rotate more frequently. It's just poorly worded. They also didn't need to introduce a 'but' in there to further imply that there was some sort of caveat to there being a rotation.
Splatoon 2's Maps Still Rotate, But Only In Competitive Mode
Would make the syntax correct, as would:
Splatoon 2's Maps Still Rotate, But Less Frequently
Gamespot just doesn't know how to write headlines.
Instead Of Writing Clickbate Headlines, Here's What GameSpot's Writers Should Do
@khadafi: It's supposedly an open world game that appears to be structured somewhat like Crackdown, i.e., you have persistently active goals spread around and they unlock eventual major conflicts. The characters function like a deck of sorts and you hotswap between three characters you select before you go out into the world. They've not been doing a very good job of describing anything about the game beyond LOL IT'S QUIRKY REMEMBER SAINTS ROW 3?!
Whether its' going to be any good is up in the air. After SR4 and Gat out of Hell my hopes are not terribly high. Volition hit a sweet spot with SR2 and they haven't managed to get back to it.
@darksouls: I was more referring to Bungie's concept of making 30 seconds of fun that could be repeated throughout the game, i.e., a combat encounter that lasts about 30 seconds before shifting to a different style of combat to keep things moving at all times. The 30 seconds of fun you get for the first half dozen Korok seeds sure runs out when you're up around 150-200 of the bloody things. Same with the shrines, they're cute for the first dozen or so times but after awhile they start to grate as well.
The whole game is kinda like that they stretched 20 hours content over 200 hours of space.
That first 20 hours is pretty excellent but then it just drags on and on and on and I actually gave up I was so bored with it by 30 hours, those last ten were a real slog too.
Xylymphydyte's comments