@Xristophoros: The game's no slouch on any hardware. It's a truly impressive engine, it's sad to see Carmack bugger off to Facebook, he's been instrumental to so many great leaps forward in the games industry with his work on id's software and his habitual conversion to OpenSource as soon as he can on all of his projects. Now he's working for one of the most closed platforms ever conceived and the world is worse for his genius being limited.
@TexasStuBaby: Frankly, the traditional "I'm so much better than the rest of you arguing plebes" virtue signal comment isn't a whole lot better. You're doing the same thing but now everyone is against you instead of just one side. The only winning move is not to play.
@triplebullet: It's like, do you think racists care when you call them racists? They're going to be like "hell yeah I hate [insert race here]". The only people truly cowed by being called racists are the people are absolutely not. It's currently a magic word that makes westerners, particularly in America, bend over backwards.
@Thanatos2k: Also refuse to produce a sequel to Dragon's Dogma and refuse to release Dragon's Dogma Online outside of Japan, while IP locking it. Tally-ho Crapcom! Almost as bad as Segac!
@EKGProd: In case you missed it before they deleted it, I agreed with you but then went on to mock a member of their staff who's name rhymes with Teddy who tends to write incredibly awful clickbait endlessly.
Xylymphydyte's comments