@fulcrvm: Probably oblivious to most of it. The problem is that once you learn what is politically charged you start to see it in literally everything. What you do with that is kinda up to you but things will never go back to how they are. It's a political red pill.
This is utterly retarded. How about you make a product and we buy it Harmonix? How about we run businesses like businesses. It's not the users' responsibility to cover all of your financial risk.
@Tanares: Pretty sure he wanted to punish doctors who performed illegal abortions, and that he wanted Japan to have retaliatory capability against North Korean nuclear threats. Pretty big difference.
@fulcrvm: They were the same thing. Politics is directly influenced by culture so groups with political interests were attempting to influence people's politics by injecting their agendas into entertainment, you should largely count your lucky stars it took this long to get into games, and don't expect it to leave any time soon, it is now part of the cultural landscape forevermore.
Xylymphydyte's comments