I'd like to see a poll from all 1.3 million users on Origin to rate the quality of Origin.
Two simple questions:
1. On a scale on 1-10 (1-poor, 10 being great) how would your: a) rate the Origin service and b) would you recommend it to someone else (1 being not likely, 10 being very likely).
2. If games were made available on any distribution, how likely would you use Origin over a competitors service.
a Highly Likely
b Likely
c Not Likely
d Not a remote chance in hell
I think question #2 will sum it up quite well for most...the only reason I have a Origin account was because it was mandatory for BF3...but I have sworn off any other EA game if its an origin exclusive. Let the consumer have choice and I will buy. Already have my primary DRM account with Steam, can go to GOG, amazon etc or others that don't force me to use another client (1 is enough)
@Darth_Aloysius @pongley If I were you, I'd look around instores first..
I know some Bestbuys still carry the SimCity box that contained SimCity 4 Deluxe plus Sim Society's (which wasnt that good).you may be able to pick that up for a bargain and redeem your free game on BF3 or deadspace 3(if those games interest you). ie, take full advantage of EA's free game deal as you can (retail SimCity4 has no restrictions or forms of DRM)
Also, since all the bad press about the new simcity, i got back into simcity 4 and actually think its much better :)
The only reason 360 and PS3 games play ok now is because they are rendered at 720p and upscaled to 1080p.
They use very low quality textures and have optional texture packs that must be isntalled on harddrive (reason for texture popping).
PCs have more dedicated VRAM so everything is stored in GPUs memory. With 4K on the horizon, I expect to be in the very same situtaion we are in now where PCs offer the highest level detail and consoles once again cant keep pace (they will instead resort to saving on hdd or from disc, which slows down loading and causes that texture popping.
Although a PC is doing a whole lot more behind the scenes, raw CPU and GPU processing is getting better and better every generation. After a few years, you see a very big leap in CPU and GPU performance...
But, as the core count and thread counts keep dramatically increasing voer the last few years, expect heavily multi-threading games to start becoming the norm and see the PC explode in performance.
Die sizes are shrinking, so everntually you will see dual GPUs with much lower power consumption and form factors than current 2slot/3slot configurations.
In a few years time, PC's will once again destroy the consoles (and whats taken 8 years for the current consoles to start holding back PC, will likely only be 4 years this time around). Expect to start seeing an exponential increase in parallel processing power in the next few years as die sizes continue to shrink.
Having said all that...I'm still waiting for a level cap increase. Havent finished Sir Hammerlocks expansion cause I just reached L50, and knowing its coming, eventually, I wouldnt't like to see my experience go to waste :)
Well the season pass didn't pay for the Mechromancer (unless you pre-ordered the game you got that free). It doesn't pay for the collectors edition pack or slaughterdome (again unless pre-ordered) and does not pay for the multiple skin packs either. The Season Pass was meant to get you all 4 "campaign-based" DLC for $30 (a $10 savings).
I got the game on sale, so added with the seasons pass, I got the game for just under regular price (4-pack steam sale + season pass). 4-pack was essentially 4 games for the price of 3, so me and friends got a discount there, then another $30 for pass.
But, I'd rather get a new campaign DLC than have this new character be the option (season pass said campaign DLC, not characters). I'd rather play new missions and get new cool loot then have to replay the game yet again with a new character (something I've down already with all 4 characters and gets tiresome).
The push for consoles will eventually be full digital distribution.
And as you can already seem with the Playstation network, anything you've already purchased online on the PS3 will not work with the PS4.
Steam will offer the same unified experience, you own coutnerstike or Withcer on PC...you also own it on Steam if you transfer over to a MAC...same thing for select Linux games too. Once you own 1 version of the game, you can play it on other PC platforms.
(I bet you'd be more interested in Steam when you see the massive savings you can get too. Plus factor in the push to x86 on nextgen, expect to have the same games available on PC as PS4 and the next xbox..exclusives will be a rarity when developers can so easily port games now)
I think the comments page glitches sometimes...I posted a comment regarding Aliens Colonial Marines...and apparently It posted in the Rockband ending weekly DLC lol
@decoy1978 The only DLC I would ever consider buying are expansions that actually extend the gameplay by introducing a new campaign.
Skins, weapons and maps I find to be nickel and diming and a plague to the industry.
There is also a limit to what I consider acceptable expansions. Sims 3 for example (in my opinion) is milked dry by introducing all those expansions...too many expansions and if you do that math, it add up to almost $400 for additional content!
EA keeps creating new content because people keep buying it. I can't understand why a gamer will blindly do that considering most of the expansions are rehashes of the same old Sims and Sims 2 expansions...
I fear this microtranaction system will eventually lead to games being developed purposely to get people to pay far more than what they would normally pay straight up for a $60 purchase. EA's strategy with DLC (and also Origin exlcusives) is why I will never buy another EA game ever again...only have it becuase BF3.
Also, Origin recently had a survey asking on a rate of 1-10 how willingly would you recommend Origin to someone else...surprisely scoring that very low. it did not get the option to provide feedback why (something I would have though EA would like to gauge). I guess there don't care about quality anymore or customer satisfaction...
YoungCardinal's comments