Diablo 3 was one of my most anticipated game releases in a long time. I didn't buy it because of the RMAH, which ruined the potential experience for me. Sad that they are just now beginning to realize that it might have been a mistake, but they reaped the rewards, so now this seems like an attempt to generate more sales to people like me that skipped the game because of the RMAH.
Yes, I know you can play the game without using the RMAH, but it brings about shady people, item farmers, gold farmers, and account thieves. That might not be new to Diablo, or Blizzard games in general, but I just knew that the most sought after items would practically be impossible to acquire without grinding 30-40 hours a week or paying for them. After playing the starter edition, I just didn't see the appeal. Too late Blizzard.
Tom wants games to change his life, or hold some sort of deeper meaning. I think he takes himself too seriously at times, and as a result, his outlook on "GAMES" tends to suffer.
@bannermanner @Redpool @RedWave247 @rayankawash123 You have to wonder if some people really are that stupid, or if they are just faking retardation to get on the show.
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