@LesserAngel How so? Destruction magic is actually somewhat overpowered as it is. In fact, I have a hard time not killing my followers with certain area effect destruction spells.
@jessie82 I would rather feel like I earned them somewhat. Plus there are mods for more dragon encounters which I use as well. They are plentiful. Not to mention, I don't use every set of skills with each character.
@JunglemanchiId @hector530 @Dragon_Nexus @Bordonaro I think what it means is that you get that skill tree's perks returned to you. From there, you can either invest them back into that same tree again, or spend them elsewhere. Having the skill back at 15 allows it to add back to leveling experience with each increase, but the skill is actually 100 already. They must have had a hard time figuring out another way to raise the level cap and still allow players to level without forcing the player to use skills that their character build doesn't use.
For example, if you have a one handed blacksmith/enchanter/alchemist, and have the trees One handed, Block, Smithing, Alchemy, Enchanting maxed out at 100, you are practically forced to start using magic or some other skill to level up. This effectively allows the player to continue to utilize the same skills as normal, but still gain experience. That is what it sounds like to me.
Yeah, ok. So you get perks returned, but does that mean that they are perks you can use to add to other skill trees? Also, what of the perks that were removed from a legendary skill? Does that mean you lose all of those perks in that skill tree? That would be kinda stupid unless you can just re-allocate them to that tree. The mod that allows you to spend dragon souls for perks pretty much makes this update useless anyway, other than the addition of additional HP/MP/STA increases.
Metro 2033, The Witcher 2, Batman AC, and a few I am surely missing. Crysis was great, don't get me wrong, but people still hold it in such high regard for some reason even though it is nearly 4 years old now. Trust me, there are better looking games out there.
@fireandcarnage "erm it's kinda a given that if a religion would tell you the other religion is wrong because if it wasn't wrong they why would you follow said religion, you'd follow ther other instead, it's kinda like science you can't agree on two contradicting hypotheses and if they don't contradict there isn't a point in having two"
First of all, bravo on getting through almost 1400 comments before getting to me. Second, religion is nothing like science, and in fact, they are practically diametrically opposed to one another. Third, I said nothing about following a religion, but was only pointing out that if there are 100 religions all believing that they are the only true religion, the other 99 are dead wrong (assuming one of them is in fact spot on). Chances are stacked in favor of a religion being false. That is the point I was making, not whether or not religions should denounce, or discredit the other.
@Navardo95 It is a plus, but what made me really like Crysis was the ability to attack an objective from nearly any angle, and being able to choose between stealth, guns blazing, or a combination of the two. I would say it is the other way around on the percentages for me. (I am largely referring to Crysis 1)
Some people play Skyrim with permadeath. Of course there is no real option for that I am aware of, but they just retire a character when they die, post it to the forum, and list the char level/type/monster that killed them. To me that is super crazy when you consider how many hours long that game is. But, it enriches the experience for some people. I just wouldn't have the energy to play all over again from scratch who knows how many times. POTIONS!!
ZOD777's comments