@Allerletzt I am not talking about taste. Something being undercooked (raw) is quite different.
There is a difference between having 100,000 various complaints, and 100,000 complaints about the exact same problem. When that occurs, I don't think the gamers are just being immature whiners. Everyone has the right to their opinion, but when there is a vast majority that shares the same opinion, it should be noted and not dismissed.
@Sideshow_me @deth420 So if you get served a meal that is undercooked, do you send it back and make the chef cook it more thoroughly or do you just get up, leave a tip, then pay your bill only to never eat there again?
I think that it what it comes down to. Some people just don't care enough about the things they buy to demand better service or better quality.
@Sakuban No, what I am saying is that author's would have to do a mass recall, and republish a book in order to change it if they did. You missed the point. All I am saying is that games can be altered to the masses much easier than published texts.
@deth420 @Sakuban Certainly there are those in forums that can be nasty, but knocking down the door with a pitchfork and torch isn't going to get the game changed unless they agree that the game would benefit from a change. After all, the all mighty dollar is what keeps these guys in business, and if they have angered the fan base, they will lose out on future sales. It is really that simple.
There are forum feedback posts created by the developers themselves so that they can hear from the community on many game homepages. If they didn't give a shit about what the community thinks, they wouldn't put avenues like that up. They want feeedback, and when it is really bad in one area, they take notice.
@deth420 Fans have the right to complain about poor design and story choices. After all, if there are enough people that feel the same way, then they are probably validated in their complaints. Otherwise, the developers would just ignore it. If they change something in the game, it is because they recognize some degree of fault or that the game would be improved, not because they want to placate every single gamer.
I never even bothered with D3 because of the RMAH. That is exactly what ruined D2 in my opinion (aside from hacks), and they decided to just go ahead and ruin the game right from the start this time instead. It is a shame too, because I really loved D2 until item shops started popping up.
ZOD777's comments