Have you tried installing the game to your harddrive? (assuming you have one). If not try that. To fix the actual disc you might check out www.skippydisc.com. I haven't actually used that site before but I've heard that it works.
Unfortunately the only USB adapter that works with the 360 is the official one by microsoft. You could try a wireless gaming adapter that plugs into the ethernet port on the back of your system. It would probably be cheaper than the USB adapter from microsoft.
The adapter clips onto the back of the 360 and you plug it into the rear usb port. Then you turn your 360 on and do a quick and simple network configuration and you should be good to go.
Worms, Peggle (it looks very stupid/homo/childish but is very addicting IMO), Uno gets a lot of praise from people, Bionic Commando Rearmed, and Doom. All of these are 800pts except Uno I believe.
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