@reduc_ab_: Agreed. Am enjoying the settlement/crafting (and just wandering/exploring) so much I've no interest in finishing the main quest at this point. I've got around 400 hrs in, level 64.
@reduc_ab_: Agreed, though I do think players who don't enjoy the settlement/crafting system (which I certainly understand) are, unfortunately, only getting 2/3rds the game. A lot of it has to do with what elements are most important to different players. Did FO4 take a step back in terms of "roleplaying"? Maybe. I do agree there is certainly less of an emphasis on consequences. For me, I frakkin' LOVE the settlement/crafting system, and I never really considered FO3 an actual roleplaying game. For me FO4 is an incredibly deep shooter, and I'm fine with that. The improvements to area design/variety, the addition of verticality, more than make up for its shortcomings. While I enjoyed FO3 & NV a lot, I still think Bethesda was REALLY lazy where area/building design is concerned. But that's just me. I''ve no doubt I'll be playing FO4 for a very long time.
@olddadgamer: Agreed on all counts. And, yes, Galaxy Quest is a really great gem. I rewatched it recently; had forgotten that both Sam Rockwell and Justin Long (didn't realize he'd been acting that far back) were it. Great cast.
@saturatedbutter: Agreed. Though unlike previous electronic entries (flat screen TVs, etc) I have VERY strong doubts that VR can afford the route of letting early adopters sustain it until 1. manufacturing costs come down and 2. The idea of VR goes mainstream. Believe me, I think its a really interesting medium and would love to see all involved enjoy success. I just don't think that's going to be the case. At least not with worn peripheral like the Rift.
@gameroutlawzz: Bullshit. If you were half as creative as you claim you wouldn't care. This wasn't a competition. She was inspired by something and in turn created something to honor that. Greatness is never achieved staying inside the box.
Tell ya what, why don't you post a youtube link to YOUR amazing accomplishments.
@Abomination713: I'll bet you're just a fountain of imagination and creativity yourself, huh? Gradz, you needlessly shit over someone else's accomplishments. So impressive.
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