Still playing Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy IX, accidently restarted my Final Fantasy III file, still haven't beat the elite four on either Pokemon Diamond or Emerald, still playing Dragon Quest VIII(been nearly two years since I started), and I just got a copy of Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door, a game I've rented many times before and come close to completing. From this I have concluded, that I play far too many RPG's. I also complete too few of said RPG's.... though I did beat Final Fantasy III before starting over... I will be playing these games for years to come. Also Paper Mario is going to be released for the Virtual Console sometime in the coming weeks. God help me once it's released.
im getting married no realy i am its in the spring
ps and chang i hate med students too especialy the annoying ones who think they know everything
Surely you jest good sir! For your blog says otherwise! I just felt the need to pop in and make that little observation regarding this lying cad. Toodles.
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