Kinda harsh unless he was actually accused of abusing kids himself. I know Canada is pretty nuts, but isn't it still innocent until proven guilty there?
It's stupid to get fixated on the fact that the perp was already a criminal considering this wasn't a deliberate act. Traffic accidents happen all the frigging time.
Crash and burn. So far the X-Box One has been having a worse showing than the ps3's premiere. Given the console's specs and all the complaints so far, we may even see it flop before it launches. Doubt E3 will do crap for it. All these defending fanboys are going to be eating their words when they finally see this for the train wreck it's been so far.
Unless the basic unit falls to $150, I doubt I'd ever bother. Probably just skipping consoles altogether given that the current/last gen has been the worst for hardware between the years of RRoD and then YLODs.
ROFLMAO, awful writing. "Under its current business model, GameStop nets 100 percent of the used game sale." Yeah, and when GameStop sells a new copy, it also nets 100 percent of the sale..... because net is the difference between the cost to sellers and the cost of the item to the store.
"Nintendo are"? Grammar much? It's also stupid that he's dissing Nintendo despite the fact that it essentially won the console wars last gen considering that system sales were much higher than the competition its top-selling games vastly outsold AAA multiport titles.
Plus how much street cred does EA even have at this point?
Zeus' comments