I appreciate your point of view. But everything is product of evolution and I see Kinect, Illumiroom and other gadgets as a step. Try games like haunt for Kinect. It shows an interesting way to combine close room space and movement. With Kinect 2.0 movement and space problems were partially solved. It's evolution and no step can be overrated.
So try these games with Kinect. Then you will be able to think about if it's a better experience. I tried and can say, friend: it's better with Kinect. A new level of immersion.
That's evolution. Games immersion is a motivation. If game's future is virtual reality, then using Kinect - and Illumiroon in a near future - is a new step. Stay with dualshocks forever and be old fashion gamer:
Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, Haunt and Gunstringer are nice examples for Kinect's first generation. Try it first, then we can talk. Kinect 2.0 seems to be a great improvement and time will tell how developers learned to use it.
Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, Haunt and Gunstringer are nice examples for Kinect's first generation. Try it first, then we can talk. Kinect 2.0 seems to be a great improvement and time will tell how developers learned to use it.
Some effects like Forza's head cognition can be used with success. Behind a wall and just taking a look after next door side, without exposing your body...
Try it first. Then we can talk. If you are a PS user, try it with a friend's Xbox. People know Playstation isn't good for social gaming, but Xbox multiplayer can help you. Live is always on...
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