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#1 ZodiacVII
Member since 2003 • 73 Posts

LOL! microsoft getting greedy? look at you, asking THEM to pay YOU for playing their games. Why should they PAY YOU? Theyre trying to make a profit by selling you games, and you're trying to get ur money back (basically) by asking to get paid by playing the game that you paid for, they're not getting much of it then!

so pretty much, YOU'RE the greedy one. Before games had gamerscores, when did anyone complain? People still did sidequests, still beat the game 100% and they didn't ask the company to REWARD them for beating it 100%. Now that they had gamerscores to show your acomplishments in games, u expect to get rewarded for soemthing....nice...what next?


Exactly. For some very strange and unfound reason, people seem to forget that the gaming industry is a business, not a charity. Every company exists for the sole purpose of providing their service to the customer, to make a profit.

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#2 ZodiacVII
Member since 2003 • 73 Posts

The only way this would work is if full mouse and keyboard support was offered; otherwise, it would never work.

As for people talking about subscription fees, what does this have to do with anything? If you play WoW, you're going to pay the fee regardless; do you think that if you play WoW on a PC and also have an Xbox Live subscription that your WoW fee will be magically negated? Of course not, so why would you expect the same if it was played through your console? Logic, please.

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#3 ZodiacVII
Member since 2003 • 73 Posts

For any fan of Final Fantasy, Lost Odyssey is going treat you very well. The gameplay is interesting and engaging, the characters are well flushed out and emotional, and the story (so far, and I don't believe it will disappoint) sucks you in. Definitley don't pass on this if you are an RPG fan, especially if your a Final Fantasy fan.

As for people arguing which titles of the Final Fantasy series that Lost Odyssey may or may not be better than, that is entirely subjective. Different stories connect with different people; for example in my opinion Final Fantasy VIII was my favourite, and has been to this day.

Easiest question ever!!!!! all the ff's are sweet and in terms of gameplay and story line are sooooooo much better than lost odyssey in every way

And for anyone who dissagrees i really don't care it's a sweet game don't get me wrong BUT if it was'nt for the ff's lost odyssey would'nt be half as good as it is.


I don't quite understand your post; I mean, Final Fantasy exists simply because it was the brainchild concept of Sakaguchi, which LOst Odyssey is as well. Without his creativity there would be neither, I believe you meant to say, and not that a simple title for a series is what inspires such work.

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#4 ZodiacVII
Member since 2003 • 73 Posts
Swarm of the Locust
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#5 ZodiacVII
Member since 2003 • 73 Posts
I was going to write a topic about the interruption feature a couple days ago but it escaped my mind. I am a little disappointed that this feature was taken out, however there must have been good reason for it.
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#6 ZodiacVII
Member since 2003 • 73 Posts
Both games are really good, but since Ninja Gaiden 2 is on the horizon, I'd suggest playing through the first title in the series if you haven't already. Pirates is a really unique and entertaining experience however and shouldn't be missed.
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#7 ZodiacVII
Member since 2003 • 73 Posts
It actually surprises me a bit that so many people are playing this in English, for those of you that are, I'd suggest on a New Game+ that you check it out with Japanese acting, it is well worth it.
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#8 ZodiacVII
Member since 2003 • 73 Posts

Offset is damn near vaporware. Its been a LOOONG time since new and original screens have been released.TheSystemLord1

I wouldn't call it vapourware, the Offset engine is a real piece of technology that is already being licensed to different developers out there; this is indeed something tangible. As for media on the project, there were videos released only half a year ago that show the development cycle is indeed going strong.

Far from release, yes. Vapourware, not even close.

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#9 ZodiacVII
Member since 2003 • 73 Posts
By partial exclusive, I believe he means that it is exclusive to the 360 in console format, however it will also be available for the PC. Same thing for Mass Effect, exclusive for the 360 in console format, yet coming to the PC.
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#10 ZodiacVII
Member since 2003 • 73 Posts

Just curious what languages people have their settings on; voice acting can really set the mood and atmosphere to something amazing or throw it off.

Personally, I think this game should be played with Japanese voice acting, and you really get a lot more emotion from the characters with the Japanese actors; English just seems too fake for me. When I switched over the the Japanese actors the mood was much more mature and the emotion of the characters was really there, I highly suggest this.

On a side note, I'm only three hours into Lost Odyssey so far and I'm loving every minute of it, especially the dream sequences, they really give you an emotional glimpes into Kaim's character. This is definitely shaping up to be the ride I was expecting, thank you Sakaguchi.