@Soviet-Messiah @TechGoblin These are questions that keeps you in doubts how corporations work.. And some things we both don't know shit about corporate decision making..
I would say, make your own gaming console with your policies on the system and see if people agree with you´re decisions on the policies.
@MurderMode @Zoza24 I think the Ps4 will function pretty much fine, as I question the Xbox One bullshit lately what Microsoft´s planning on the Kinect and their price tag.
But to expect to see Nintendo doing well (which I do hope) remains to be seen.
@snxx @Zoza24 I don't care about who has the best exclusives, That's a matter of opinions from all sorts of gamers, I don't know where you´re going with this conversation..
@MurderMode @Zoza24 Sure assuming that Nintendo has some sort of secret strategy remains to be seen. Until then I have my eyes on my prior gaming needs then just hoping..
The Last gen console gaming was nothing but worst for Ps3, Xbox 360, and PC..
@abHS4L88 @Zoza24 You have no idea what you´re talking about, about closing studios?, layoff the personal?.. You literally think that I mean the negative portion of decision making of any corporation. Dude!, Nintendo has made nothing but mistakes on the Wii U development decisions..
Nintendo can believe whatever they want, even they can get end up in shitpot like any other corporation.. Don't act like sunshine and happy mushrooms and Pikachu´s, just be realistic about the gaming industry right now. Its needs change in a general sense.. Things cannot stay the same for corporations..
Zoza24's comments