@MurderMode @Zoza24 No need act like a fanboy, We know that Sony has pushed more exlusives than Nintendo in the last 7 years, we know that Xbox 360 has the better social features in multiplayer games then any Nintendo game, And PC totally had best of both worlds..
Nintendo was near nowhere with these things, Its only their repetitive exlusives and the same old milked out I.ps
The Wii only had dominant success in the casual market..
@abHS4L88 @Zoza24 Nintendo is very good at rushing their gaming systems at their consumers throat, I still have no idea who´s the target audience for the Wii U..
Nintendo isn't a bad company, but they need to listen to their consumers and look at their competitors. Things like these takes time and efford before executing the purpose.
As much as I hate Pachter´s guts, I have to agree with him this time..
Think about it,
Nintendo should thought about the Wii U in a better advance rather than making a gaming machine that's only 2 times more powerfull than the Xbox 360 and Ps3.
Zoza24's comments