@Uiltetwr @Zoza24 The thing is with the 360 online shooters such as Halo and Gears Of War had a great appeal of fun and joy in the years of 2007 and 2008.
But even those days never lasted longer.. Such as for Ps3 exclusives had more appeal on the single player aspect's..
But have fun with the old Ps3 titles, and Genji isn't really my kind of game.. If there was a game that I could compare to, then it should be Otogi.. Although Otogi was the best Hack and slasher game ive played on the original first Xbox.
Ps3 has served me well, despite its flaws. Its a relatively good system.. But PS4 has something more preparing going on.. I will not leave the PS3 just yet, but in 2 years I will Pack my Ps3 in a moving box for storage and memories for a new decade to come. And PS4 will be my primarily gaming console.
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