ZutaraBeleiva Blog
Seriously...who does this kinda stuff?!?!
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
yeah, i was just thinking about how i woke up at like....5am just to do my hair and then go back to sleep (i do that like three times in the middle of the night)
Mother thinks im addicted to doing my hair...SO not true..... brb *leaves to get brush*
*runs back in*
ok...so....yeah..... *looks around*
GOODMORNIN'! ^_^ *waves*
Canon! :P
Fries and Ranch
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
yes...im eatin it right now, its actually pretty good^_^
but anyways, i got back home at like, 7:00 AM
*finishes fries and ranch* haha mmmm that was soooo good! ^_^ *looks down at plate**misses it* :(
sooo...I redecorated my profile today....
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
yeeeaah, i was kinda getting bored with it, and i was surfing the internet and found a ton of kewl pics of those lil emo dudes and...yeah, i leave at 2:00 which is in two hours and im just tryin to pass time lol so ...yeah....:|
ciao hommielitions *waves*
wooowwww i kno im a bit late but....5 Things About Me
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
haha i looked up and i realized that i had not checked my mail for quite a while and that i had 53 new PMs and i saw that i got a pm from somebody that i have been tagged...so i guess ive been it for *thinx* two months (yes it was since february, sad, i kno)
so here it goes:
1) I have super powers- i have the wonderful ability to make the corniest jokes around, may come in handy if i ever get kidnapped and held hostage for a high ransom (which i assure you will go down 100% once i start)
2) I'm addicted to chocolate- its a great part of a super-hero(ine)'s healthy diet...:| wat? you think im joking, dont you?...
3) Im one of the many that are also in love- *blushes* yeah...he's the best ^_^
4) I plan on taking over the world- i even found a website to help me: http://sup2100.home.comcast.net/~sup2100/take_over_the_world.htm :D
5) I have a lil sis that keeps nagging me to listen to her 'drumming' (which is on her homework that she's suppose to be doing right now)- *yells: IM TELLIN MOM YOURE NOT DOIN YOUR WORK!!!* lol jk, im not that mean :P
NOTE: i have no idea why she likes to beat and drum so much...my older sis does too....and i suppose its another thing they have thats skipped me...once again... :(
so yeah, that was hard....*thinx of who she should choose to be the next victim* heeheeheeheehee, i kno just the ones *mischievious laughter* *shifty eyes* *scampers out*
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
yeeeaaahhhh...um this blog isnt exactly what you'd call funny or interesting or w/e, and i kno you might be thinking: wow, ZB, what are you doing here?
yes, im bored, and i was just wonderin how everybody's doin' since i havent been on for quite a while...and....yeah.
just thought id say that...heh, but yeah
im finally on spring break *cheers and confettis* and im gonna be going up to New Yorks to help out with the plans for a wedding that yours truly will be in *smiles and waves graciously**gets hit in the head with a rose* :?
yeah ive been thinkin, should we throw rose petals, or seeds when the bride and groom leave? *thinx* i dont think we should use seeds cause all itll be doin is attracting pigeons but *shrugs* i dunno, they might like it .
oh yeah, i think i found the cutest bug-mammal-critter thing that could possibly exist!^_^
here -->(sorry, i meant look down) :P
*Sad Moment ALERT!*
so like yesterday i had a track meet and basically my ego was slaughtered in one of the races that i am best at and my emotions feel kinda...broken... right now, so bear with me. *fiddles* *thinx* and.....yeah *teary eyed* :cry:
thank you for taking the time out of your wonderful and busy lives to read this blog :)
and have a nice day ^_^
hops out hommielitions, keep it kewl 8)
My typical bored day home alone
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
*walks around in circles*
*stops and thinx*
ok, here we go. Valentines Day went ok for me, if your wondering....*passes out two-day-old cookies and chocolates* i hope yalls went well too. :)
oh yeah, and happy early presidents day too ^_^
So...yesterday was like....color day at my school (tenth graders had to dress up in Carolina blue and pink). It felt good...it was almost as though i was a lil kid again!*happy**normally doesnt dress in those colors*
um yeah....im looking at peoples reactions while watching that 'two girls and a cup' thing (im too chicken to watch it myself) ...id like to be able to eat, thank you very much :lol:
but yeah...this is how i pass my days when im bored and have no one to talk to.......
*finishes watching vids*
ill just make a bowl of ice-cream and watch a movie now....
Ciao hommielitions!^_^ *waves*
*hops out*
[insert evil laugh here]
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
*clears throat*
welcome mere mortals to my blog. If i am not mistaken, there is something in which all you earth-forms called 'the super bowl' taking place tonight. Before i destroyed an innocent pedestrian today, i asked him 'what is this super bowl you all speak of?' obviously based on his description of it, you all sit around a flashing box and watch two groups of people try to slaughter eachother over a ball in a giant bowl.
i thanked him politely and then obliterated him with my laser gun. As i continued on my voyage observing this tiny planet which is called earth, i realized that just about everybody is going to be watching this 'super bowl' .
'wow,' i thought 'this is the perfect time to take over the world......'
so that is what im going to do. Take over the world. Have fun in watching the bowl battle evryone^_^
*hops out*
Interesting fact about the Human heart
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
obviously you can live w/o it cause my PE teacher's still kickin'. i mean..she's not all THAT bad when you get to kno her, but....lets see...she made a few sixth graders cry, the whole ninth grade is pissed off at her. It was 98 degrees outside with a high of 105 and she STILL made us run a mile (something about preparing us for life)... three girls fainted, five collapsed, and the rest started crying (i was one of the ones that collapsed, but i FINISHED it first)*proud* and the guys...well... a few started cussing and went to our principle to try to get her fired (weve been trying that for four years and it still hasnt worked).
oh, and dont even get me started about her and our basket ball team. WHOOPS! too late! you see, my team normally crack jokes on eachother with our coach, cause we kewl like dat. but whenever SHES around, she convinces him to run us for doing that......SHES NOT EVEN OUR COACH!!!!
*sigh* but maybe its because she's ...she's......you know what? ill come up with an excuse for her later....
ciao hommielitions
*hops out*
As the leaves fall, the trees die
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
*wonders if her state has a nickname*
Anyways the trees are practically dead right now (we have no more leaves on our trees...besides the lame ones..and the evergreens). Right now im in a 'wish i could sleep while typing' mood. no im not tired....psh! please! Rae NEVER goes to sleep...well i do, but its only two hours at a time....WHY on EARTH am i wasting my time on this blog! i have a freaking project to do!
but anywho, warning boys cause:
is about to start......
So me and two of my friends were at a game Friday, right? when all of a sudden we saw the MAJOR hottie! lol jk :P
what really happenned is Bonx saw her crush, Z messed up her hair, Bonx got embarrassed, i was standing there concentrating fully on texting sumone on my cell (hey, its harder than you think).
i kno i shouldve been a 'great friend' and pay attention to Bonx trying to look good in front of her crush, but then again, he's a looser anyways and is always asking me for help on his web in computer period. I swear if that boy calls me ONE more time, Bonx's 'lovely' salad will be no more. Maybe i should be a bit ...nicer to him i guess...i mean, its not like im MEAN...i just ignore him, but *sigh* w/e, i just dont feel like being bothered anymore.
anyways, this is how the lil love thingy works:
Bonx likes 'salad'
Salad likes Z
Z ends the thingy by liking nobuddy
heres another love thingy:
Aqualad likes Bonx
Bonx likes Salad
Salad likes Z
Monkey dude likes Z
Z likes nobody....
and heres another one:
Aqualad feels a lil sad and starts liking Rae
Rae doesnt like him back
*guy with creepy semi-transparent brown eyes*appears to like Rae
Rae finds him highly irritating because he never holds eye contact
thus Rae doesnt like him either
Guy in Geometry has a gf
Guy in Geometry asks Rae if she'd go out with him
Rae is disgusted and wonders what kind of girl he thinx she is
Rae says no....politely
Rae is starting to get irritated with the guys in her school
Rae secretly wants to destroy them all
lol jk jk...theyre ok....i guess, but then again i really dont care about them (why should i?)
anywho, im tired.
night hommielitions
*hops out*
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