ZutaraBeleiva Blog
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
ok, I like COOKIES!!! :cry: I admit it! im not in denial any more!!!! :cry: I CANT HELP IT!!!! :cry::cry::cry: THEYRE JUST SO GOOD!!!!
phew! im sooo glad i got that off my chest:D :P
thank you:D have a nice day :P
*hops out ...with a glass of gatorade*:P
hey that rhymed!!! SWEET!!! :lol: I deserve a treat!!!
:shock: I did it again!!! if i have a contest, i just might win! :D
Oh no!!! :cry: I CANT STOP!!! QUick! im insane CALL THE COPS!!! :cry:
*bangs head on table* im mentally unstable! :cry:
oh, btw
i guess its not stellar, but im sorta bipolar....
:? :D :( :) :lol: :cry: :P
*Is Fried*
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
*grumbles* i hate summer *pouts* AND southern spring *sniffles* ITS A FREAKIN 85 DEGREES OVER HERE!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: *cant survive this kinda heat* *sigh* i always have the air conditioner in my house to go to 65 degrees (mother dearest wont let me go any lower) :( if i EVER leave the south (which hopefully is soon) i think id like to live near Canada, eh? :P yeah, im sorry yall but i tend to get boring in the heat, or just uncomprehendable. forgive me if i say stuff like, mayo tastes like a crayon, or that paper tastes good if you eat it with apple juice .....did that in kindergaten btw:D. i used to have a lot of friends that were boys for some reason, and we used to see who could swallow a piece of their paper the fastest:lol: and i myself won a few times :D
*cheers**bows and waves graciously* thank you, thank you, no pictures please but i WILL give an autograph :P
but i remember some older kids that used to be mean to me :( but my older sis and her friends were there to beat them up for me :D) tis why i like sticking up for middleschoolers that get bullied by some highschoolers in my school. i mean, i could never forget, no matter how hard i try, of how i felt. Sometimes older kids can take advantage of younger ones, just because theyre more vulnerable or not as strong. and i dont like that *thinks*
It frustrates me to how some people can be so egocentric, not caring about those who need help, but instead, caring about how they look in front of their peers. Sometimes it seems as though theyre not aware that the ones around them have feelings too. as if we're just props in their life and that theyre the only one with a pupose. They dont see that what they do to others can scar that person for life, and that what comes around goes around. Its the Law of Nature. Like when a tree bears fruit for us and animals, once we pick off all the fruits, it has no more left. but its not sad and not mad at us for taking all its beared, for it knows that next year, its fruits will grow back with even more abundance, since its provided for us unselfishly.
You should never give though, just to receive back. Thats being greedy. when you do this, you dont really want to help the person out, you just want to receive something that that person has. you know, you dont NEED to be payed back. Its nice to help people out without wanting anything in return. When you do this, you get the BEST payback of all, happiness and the content of doing a good will. And sometimes, The Law just might leave an even better gift for you in front of your doorstep, something youve been wanting for a LONG time ;)
*looks at all she's written* :shock:.......wow, i told you i get boring in the heat :P how in the world did i get from hating the heat to the Law of nature? :lol: and this WAS a pretty boring topic i guess...*Thinks*... this is like what me and my dad would talk about (smile). but thats personal life :P
CIAO HOMMIELITIONS!!! :D I'll be on tha forums :D
*hops out with a glass of lemonade* 8) :P
Ms. Mysterious Reveals herself :P
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
1. Full Name:Raequelle *phone service cuts off*
2. Nicknames: Rae, Rae Rae, and Roro (by lil cusins who cant say my name correctly) :P
3. Birthday: December 8, *phone service cuts off......again*
4. Place of Birth: Hawaii
5. Zodiac Sign: Saggittarius
6. Male or female: Female
7. Year: :?................2007 (duh) :P
8. School: that school that you have to follow the sunrise till you reach the end of the earth and then make a right......*is always late to school*
9. Occupation: Student, Volunteer worker at Animal Shelter
10. Residence: Earth.......I come in peace :P
11. MSN Screen Name: huh:? what is this 'MSN' you speak of? :P
___Your Appearence___
12. Hair Color: Dark Brown
13. Hair Length: Shoulderlegnth....maybe a LIL longer....
14. Eye color: uh, well you see *looks embaassedly at the floor* I kinda dont know yet.... :oops: they switch up on me in certain lights, sometimes they are light brown, dark brown, and then sometimes theyre like a dark maroonish sorta color *is scared when that happens*
15. Weight: 117 lb
16. Height: 5' 4.5''
17. Braces? no *looks away sadly* but i want some. *is the closesest thing my school will allow to a grill* :P
18. Glasses? no...but i want that also!!! itll make me look smart! :D
19. Piercings: Ears.
20. Tattoos: Yep! on my shoulder it says: hot bunny, and it looks like a rabbit made outta fire! :D .......... ok, im fibbing :P my mom would totally KILL me if i ever got one :lol:
21. Righty or Lefty: Righty
___Your First___
22. First best friends: Vahab........although he DID bite me one time when we were kids, and then i hit him over the head with a pan......and then while he was crying i tied his shoelaces together...uh but *clears throat* thats a whole other story.......
23. First Award: MVP for my soccer team during championship
24. First Sport You Joined: soccer
25. First pet: Shady, a black mini poodle
26. First Real Vacation:a trip all around the US...basically my life :P
27. First Concert: DISNeY WORLD!!!! :D
28. First Love: uhhhh.................*thinks*.......................
29. Movie: LionKing I 1/2
30. TV program: Hope and Faith, Friends, and Avatar: the last airbender
31. Color: Black, silver, blue, and orange
32. Rapper: uhhhhhh................................I like ****cal music........
33. Band: Black Eyed Peas
34. Songs: Pump It
35. Friends: ....they prefer to remain ananymous :P
36. Sweet: CHOCOLATE!!!! :D
37. Sport to Play: Soccer
38. Restaurants: FRIENDLY'S!!!! :D
39. Brand: as long as it looks good....
40. Shop: WALMART it da place to be, 24/7 days a week, they got CDs, DVDs and TVs!!! what more couldya need? :D ( yeah WALMART....i best ta be gettin payed for this advertisement) :P
41. School Subject: Chemistry, Us Gov
42. Animal: Panthers and Cheetahs....and black cats :D
43. Books: the Claidi Journals, A Ring of Endless light, Warriors, The Alchemist, Inside the walls of Troy, The House of The Scorpion.
44. Magazine: anything that has a bunch of technology in it :D * is a tech geek* :P
45. Shoes: ADIDAS!!! :D (All Day I Dream About Soccer)
46. Feeling: Craving chocolate....
47. Wearing: a Tank top and basketball shorts
48. Have a crush? uhhhh............. *phone rings connveniently*...one sec...i gotta take this *whispers:* its from....*shifty eyes* .....The Bunnies...... *begins talking*
49. Eating: Nothing
50. Drinking: water, Bleh! i survive offa sugar :P
51. Typing: *sigh*........was there a PURPOSE for this question ??!!!
52. Online: no....im having my imaginary dog type this...SERIOUSLY!!! :|
53. Listening To: an airplane flying over head *lives near an airport*
54. Thinking About: HEY!!! THATS PERSONAL!!!............*goes back to thinking* :oops:
55. Wanting: for my IPod and laptop my daddy bought for me to come through the mail any day now......
56. Watching: the sunset from my bay window, and this bright blinking box in front of me...*shifty eyes*.... i think its from the Aliens..... :|
57. Smelling: air.....it tastes like water....
___Your Future___
58. Want Kids? YES! :D
59. Want to be married? Yup
60. Careers in Mind: Anthropologist or writer
61. Where do you want to live: Switzerland *daydreams* .....i heard they have the BEST chocolates *drools*
62. Car: TOO MANY TO CHOOSE!!!! :cry:
___Which is better With the oppisite Sex___
63. Hair color: dark, but i really dont mind :D just as long as theor funny and can go into deep conversations with me (smile)
64. Hair length: hmmmmmm........i dont really know :?
65. Eye color: as long as they draw my attention (which are light colors my the way) :D
66. Measurments: same hight or a lil taller....not too tall now, I dont want to feel like a midget :P
67. Cute or Sexy: Drop dead kinda HOT!!!! :P but i also like cuteness :D
68. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
69. Hugs or Kisses: Both
70. Short or Tall: Tall
71. Easy going or serious: Easy going when i wanna have fun, and serious when i wanna talk.
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Both :oops:
73. Fatty or Skinny: middle
74. Sensitive or Loud: Sensitive, but loud so we can act crazy together :P
75. Hook-up or Relationship: Eh, whatever way we were destined to meet :P
76. Sweet or Caring: awww! both would be nice :D
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: a wise trouble maker, you know. not afraid to do crazy stuff, but knowing what is safe and not.
___Have you ever___
78. Kissed a Stranger: EWWWWWWW!!! NO!!!! :P
79. Had Alcohol: uh *clears throat* yes....
80. Smoked: nope, id like to live as long as possible, thank you very much :P
81. Ran Away From Home: yeah...when i had to buy icecream....from across the street :P
82. Broken a bone: nope, but ive fractured one *feels proud* :D
83. Got an X-ray: yep
84. Went out with someone: uhhhhhhh............................. not really.....
85. Broken Someone’s Heart: *sadly has had to turn down a few guys* :( but i hope i didnt hurt them or anything...great, now i feel bad *sniffles* :cry:
86. Broke Up With Someone: uhhhhh......... *doorbell rings* which reminds me.....
87. Cried When Someone Died: Yes.
88. Cried At School: Yeah.
___Do you believe in___
89. God: Yep
90. Miracles: yep
91. Love At First sight: yep
92. Ghosts: yep
93. Aliens: uh huh
94. Soul Mates: yep
95. Heaven: Yes siree!
96. Hell: ...oh Yeah...
97. Angels: Uh huh! :D
98. Kissing on The First Date: uuuuuuuhhhhhhh......
99. Horoscopes: Sometimes
Oh YEAH!!!!
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
I dont think yall would want to read this, but.....
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
i guess i was just tired. *sigh* lost my $125 calculator today :( ill wait for it to show up for about a week and then might have o buy another one *groans* WHY cant here EVER be a thief-free school??!!!???!!! :cry: sooo....... i wont be on till like, 8 tonight *has a hair appointment* ...........woke up this morning (like, duh :P wouldnt be here typing today if i didnt,.....) i think im just gonna work on another sig. *is at her grandma's house right now* ....GoSH its HOT!!! :cry: ...........*thinks* im starting to get a lil annoyed with people telling me im pretty when i meet them *sigh* i mean do they NOT see anything else??!!! :cry: i dunno, i guess im just a lil cranky cause im so tired and hot. is so tired right now that im typing with one hand :| yeah, well i told you you didnt want to read this. but hey, i warned you :P
CIAO hommielitions!!! :D
*hops out* :P
im not crazy.....am i? :?
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
........................................................................ ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... .........................................................................
.....................................................well i just wasted a good 15 seconds of your life...............:| no refunds :D :P
:lol:*hops out*
*hops back in*:cry: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
:lol: the sky is blue!!!......... :lol: normally its green :shock:
.....*begins talking with odie, her imaginary talking dog*........ no im not insane ......... who are the men in white? :? ............oh they give you a special gift when they come?! :D.......*gasp* A BUNNY SUIT!!! :D SWEEEEEET!!!........*gasp* and theyre here now?.... NO WAY!!! :D
*doorbell rings**opens door**is attacked**tries hopping away for dear life* :cry:
*gets shot with a tranquilizer* :|
...........*is knocked out*.....................*wakes up in a room filled with rubber walls*.......why are my arms tied together? :? .................*tries to get up**falls over* bounces back up* bumps into a wall**bumps into another wall* begins bouncing off of walls like crazy* AAAAHHHH!!!! :cry: MAKE IT STOP!!! :cry:
Is there?
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
Have you ever had an emotion that you couldnt explain? i mean like, youre not really sad, nor mad, or happy, or frustrated, or bored. your just, i dunno.......undefined. its not just the state of being without an emotion, because you do feel something. it feels sorta like confusion, but theres something a little different about it. something that moves right in your center. you know, that place that seems to be smack dab in the middle of your chest, it may feel like your heart, but it also feels like something imensely deeper. well, what if there's an emotion that has not been named, or quite discovered yet? because when we feel it, we dont quite understand what it is, and we cant explain it when somebody asks: what's wrong?
its a feeling, an emotion. undefined. known to have an existence. but not known to have a description with mere words. it feels like suffocation, although your breathing just fine. its almost as though its pressing, trying to show us something we need to know. what is that thing we feel? that stirrs within us with something new? Something unknown. is it there to enlighten us? to show us that there is something beyond what we see naturally? could it be that there is a realm of the invisible? a realm of the unseen? where things exist that we dont know of, but that thing that stirrs within us does. it knows things, and many times it saves us from things that couldve happened to us...
Its wise, and knows more than our logic mind does. but how does it know? it doesnt matter. not everything needs a description or an answer to it. and not everything can have an answer to why it can do certain things. or know certain things or even have an existence. as long as its there. as long as its good. as long as its doing everything its supposed to. it belongs, and is following its destiny that was meant for it. we must never ignore things just because we dont understand it, just because it cant be described in a webster's dictionary, or just because it hasnt been fully discovered. you must learn about it more, so that it can enlighten you with things you know not. of mysteries and secrets of the universe, and life, that the rest of the world is trying to discover with their logic minds. logic can only go so far. but this. this undefined thing that stirrs within you, can go even further.
Ive got some good news....and some bad news...
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
so the good news is!!! *drumrolls* :D
but the bad news is :|.......*violin plays a solo*
my mom is giving my cat back to the humane society, cause she found out that snowie's scratching the car :( and *sniffles* GOSH I LUV HER SOO MUCH!!!! :cry: Fridays gonna be the last day for me to be with her, and its gonna be hard for me.:| but the upside about it is that my mom said that i could volunteer over there at the animal shelter on Saturday and the weekdays(smile), but the downside, is that i wont be able to talk with yall as much :|, and maybe not at all on some days :( *sniffles* GOSH!!! yall are the ones that make Tv.com my happy place! and now im practically being torn away from it!!! :cry: *sniffles**grabs a tissue**wipes tears from eyes**takes a deep breath in* *sniffle* :|......ok im good now :|
oh yeah, about my day today *thinks*......what happened anyways? :?...................*thinks* ............................... *thinks some more* ......................... i think ill just get back ta yall on that..... *continues pondering about what happened today* ....... :? ........................
a funny poem, thanks to bonky :D
by ZutaraBeleiva on Comments
:lol: my friend bonky is sooo crazy!! :lol: lookie at the email she sent me!! :D
Just Wanted To Make You Laugh
:lol: isnt she one of tha bestest??!!! :lol: she always knows how to make me laugh! :P
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