@phoenix1289: which is much more than most games can boast....the most popular game in the world has 1 mob. A human being. All you do is shoot and kill it over and over -for a year. And then they release another game and you start all over. Video games are repetetive. Always have been, always will be.
@Lacerz: mlb got released that month. The sales of that game are going to spike for one month and flat-line for the next 11. Quantum Break will continue to sell on both xb1 and pc for a while...
@Ultramarinus: well, maybe but, with public corporations, once you stop showing growth, you have to cut back, lay off, downsize and then start charging more... (recently happened with Netflix.) Steady income is no good for public corporations because most people don't want to put money into something that won't grow their portfolio. I doubt this is the ideal model for them.
If the Neo could do backwards compatability and 4 player split screen on AAA titles like the old days, i might use playstation more than xbox one...not sure i can pay $500 just for a few more frames per second...
@starjay009: i will still buy xbox even if there is a pc app with all the games. I prefer couch play, couch co-op, 1 games hub, 1 social hub, 1 matketplace,not worrying about new operating systems and requiring firmware upgrades to all of my hardware.
I did the pc thing for decades, built my own, had my own network etc. Having to have steam, origin, battle.net, gog client all open to access my games and social networks and then still having to switch servers for ventrillo, team speak or garbage in game voice clients for multiplayer was drag to say the least. Incompatible input devices etc.... no thank you
@JustinGoSka: how is it more work? This new system is not much more powerful. They make the game for the ps4 and the ps4.5 version might get a slightly faster load time and a handful or two extra frames per second...
@Barighm: some builds require rotations due to resource management, keeping focus/restraint active or for the wizard tal tasha's set require's a 4 button rotation with a brief nuke spam and back to the rotation to keep buffs up. Also some builds synergize nicely between melee and ranged. Not all builds are: just hold down whirlwind...some require skill and savvy.
Zzshock's comments