@jbox138: guess what? Tech is always advancing. Nothing is ever bleeding edge for much more than a day...Every technological leap takes much more power to achieve much less gain in fidelity. This is called diminishing returns.
You expect a bloody miracle on a $400 box. Some PC cases alone cost $150 without a power supply; Some power supplies are $100...
Well as long as we are making up numbers...i dare say thst 99% of all computers out there are not gaming pc's. Lets use your 100 million as an example. That would mean 99 million of the pc's out there are only cheap "Walmart specials," leaving 1 million gaming pc's out there (again, since we are making up numbers.) Therefore, 20 million ps4 owners are a.) More likely to be gamers than your 100 million, and b.) The games are more likely to run better on ine's ps4 than one's "Walmart special."
I play a game to have fun. If a "let's play" video shows me what looks like a fun game or the commentator tells me it's fun, then they just made a sale.
Of course if the game doesnt look fun, or not my style or the commentator makes points that suggest the game is not fun, they will not make a sale.
@PsychicKiller82: i have a pc. It struggles with 720p high settings in many games. Guess what? It is not a gaming pc (just like 99% of all pc's out there.)
@rabih55555: well to go from 720p (ps3) to 1080p and sometimes only 900p (ps4), it required 10x the power. Doubling the pixels to get 4k, may get you 4 times as many pixels but, it would take more than 4 times the power to render; Not to mention that some games are only 900p 60fps (or less) or 1080p 30 fps which means for 4k 60 fps you need to draw 4x as many pixels 30 more times a second.
To put it into context, ps4 with 50% more power than xbox one only gives it a few more frames per second in most cases.
@RiviNOX: not really; i can turn on youtube and it will play for days and never stop...no bandwidth capping on my isp end. It is those services making you press a button to resend the stream vecause they are not wanting to send thr dsya if they don't have to...
Zzshock's comments