@Zicoroen: either way they shot themselves in the foot by saying their system can't handle split screen. My wife still enjoy split screen blops 3...even if the textures look a little soft on my 55in tv.
@nikon133: but, it's an online game with leaderboards. They could put it on auto pilot but that would dinish the sense of accomplishment. I agree on th AI and weather though; Night with rain is a nightmare!
@Ripper_TV: i bought it with the season pass for 24.99 a few months ago. I enjoy it. I also have Project Cars, Forza 5 & 6 & horizon 2 and Need for Speed Rivals.
The game isn't perfect but, it has a ton of content and great presentation. Somehow everytime i play it i get hooked and it really has me replaying races to climb the leaderboards and/or get more stars in each event.
@ibonedyourmom: i have ps4, ps3 and wii u and still play 360 regularly. AAA games for $3.74 and $4.99 have filled up a 500gb and i am looking to grab and external for more!
@saganage: because it's awesome. Still 55000-65000 on xb360 regularly since i bought it on sale 2 weeks ago...not bad for a game that has had 3 sequels since it'release and is on last generation consoles...
@Xirtahm: or come to Canada. Games were $ 59.99 on 360/ps3 before xb1/ps4 launch. Then $69.99 at current gen launch - only to rise to $79.99 this oast year. The division is up for pre-order with an increased retail of $84.99 (i guess this is the new normal price.)
Battlefront is $156.99 +13% tax for the ultimate edition on xbox one(that's almost $180) for an online only game with limited maps and modes... /sigh
Zzshock's comments