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#1 _Muta
Member since 2002 • 8412 Posts

Wouldn't surprise me.

I never took to Punk's WWE run even when i still watched the show. I never thought he was as over as people said he was. And then they throw the belt on him out of nowhere with little to no build up thereby further demeaning their world title as well as Punk. People aren't buying him as a champ because they haven't been given a reason to.

The way to get Punk over is simple. Play to his strengths. Punk is the single greatest talker alive today. Turn him heel and let him be the modern day Roddy Piper everyone knows he can be.

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#2 _Muta
Member since 2002 • 8412 Posts

Who cares about the IC belt?

'Nuff Said.


The people who've been fans long enough to remember when the IC belt was just as important as the World title. If it weren't for Ramon and HBK's ladder matches over that belt in the mid nineties, i would never have been a pro wrestling fan.

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#3 _Muta
Member since 2002 • 8412 Posts

1970's - 1980's:

Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage - Wrestlemania III

Greg Valentine vs. Tito Santana - 3/17/85

Pat Patterson vs. Ted Dibiase - 10/22/79


Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect - Summerslam 91

Bret Hart vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper - WM 8

HBK vs. Razor Ramon - WMX


Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho ladder match - Royal Rumble 2001 (Can't believe they didn't include this on the list)

RVD vs. Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy vs. Carlito

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#4 _Muta
Member since 2002 • 8412 Posts

HBK vs. Ric Flair - WWE Wrestlemania 24

Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Takeshi Morishima - Pro Wrestling NOAH, 3/2

Edge vs. Undertaker - WWE Wrestlemania 24

Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuiness - RoH Sixth Annniversary Show

Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries - RoH Take No Prisoners

The Briscoes vs. MCMG - RoH Return Engagement

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#5 _Muta
Member since 2002 • 8412 Posts

I don't even watch the show anymore, but looking at the rosters, i think this would shake things up for the better.



CM Punk

Elijah Burke



Shelton Benjamin

Charlie Haas

Paul London

Brian Kendrick


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#6 _Muta
Member since 2002 • 8412 Posts

Bryan Danielson - Gets better and better with each passing year. I truly didn't think it would get any better for Bryan Danielsonbeyond 2006. In 2007, he's more consistent than ever, and has put on even more classic matches with the likes of Takeshi Morishima & Nigel Mcguiness. He's finally legitimatelyoveron the levelthat Samoa Joe was,and is all but officially RoH's top Babyface.

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#7 _Muta
Member since 2002 • 8412 Posts

"10. Misawa over KENTA - This is the first time I've ever seen Misawa wrestle. First impression: he's an old Japanese guy who likes throwing forearms. A lot of people in the crowd were eating this match up like it was manna from Heaven, but I think the anticipation of this match really colored one's perception of it. After an opening match headlock and face down, the crowd breaks out a "This is awesome" chat. That was way too early, and Misawa was freely given respect, and he knew he had an easy crowd to work with. For such a "smart" crowd, a lot of them seem as easily programmed as the fans who cheer Triple H as a world beater on Monday nights. For those who bill this as a **** match, I saw nothing of the sort. I'm giving this **3/4, and I'm glad this was not the last match on the card."

^^^^^ See, this kind of ignorance is depressing. If you can't suspend your disbelief, then you'll never appreciate, understand, and more importanlyENJOY the stories that are told in the ring.

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#8 _Muta
Member since 2002 • 8412 Posts

All in all, good show, well worth the trip from Long Island, but far from the best. Most of the booking was just weird and brainless. Not a good idea to book the Joe Higuchi ceremony right after a DQ finishthat pissed everyone off. I was shocked that Danielson/Morishima also went to a DQ, but if this means yet another match, then i'm not complaining. Awesome for what it was and yet another failedattempt to get Danielson over as a heel once more. Danielson is probably the most over guy in RoH right now and Nigel just isn't working as a babyface like he used to, sothis booking doesn'tmake a whole lot of sense. Didn't pay to see aHero/Aries match, didn't care aboutthe improptuHero/Aries match. Misawa/KENTA was definitely the match of the night andexceededevery expectation. The DVD will be worth it for that match alone.

Misawa/KENTA not being the main eventhad to be the most ridiculous booking decisionof the night. TheBriscoes/AOTF feud hasn't evenreached that maineventlevel yet.Who gives a flying **** ifMisawa/KENTA didn't have "RoH guys"? The fans are more than familar with KENTA.

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#9 _Muta
Member since 2002 • 8412 Posts


The Guerrero family.

The Von Erichs, barring Lance and Waldo

Dustin and Cody are both Dusty's sons.

Matt & Jeff Hardy

The Briscoe Brothers

The Anois (Samoans)

The Harts

The Ortons


Edge & Christian are not brothers

Ole and Arn Anderson are not brothers

Great Kabuki is not Great Muta's real father

Jimmy and Ron Garvin are not brothers. (Ron is actuallyJimmy's Uncle)

The Bashams

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#10 _Muta
Member since 2002 • 8412 Posts

He's makes money and he's over with the crowd regardless if 30% hate his guts, they'll pay money to see him lose which he won't.


30% is overcompensating a bit. Cena's not a draw. He's a temporary means to an end. He will NEVER be on the level of Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin. Those men drew TV ratings in the 5's and 6's and PPV Buyrateswell above 400, 000 buyson a consistent basis. Cena has yet to do either.

Smarks in general can be ignorant, not knowing exactly what they want. Shouting You can't wrestle to John Cena while Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley are working the same PPV? What Hypocrites!


I agree, smarkscan beannoying.But given that comment above,you're clearly just as uninformed, and lack any understanding whatsoever as to what makes a good match or a good worker.