@zerohournow: In the USA(CA) what you are talking about is illegal. You cannot prevent someone from recovering from a tort claim because they have insurance, even if it means that she will essentially collect double. Claiming that she assumed the risk only goes so far - if the camera rig was in the wrong place due to negligence, she has a valid claim.
Probably looking at millions in lost future earnings, pain+suffering, and loss of enjoyment.
@Boogy32 @_distemper @Tangsta03 Sorry, but this absolutely untrue. They can continue to release content for Rome 2 in order to make money.
I don't have a problem with Attila, but certainly you see a gigantic faux pas in the announcement of Attila immediately after Emperor Edition was released? They're basically washing their hands and saying: "Okay we're done with rome 2 since we fixed all the bugs, now buy another game."
The video game industry is probably the only one out there that expects customers to be "okay" with them releasing defective products.
@Tangsta03 Honestly if they wanted us to "like" them again, why not keep developing content for Rome 2, and instead of admitting that they made a mistake by taking out the family tree by putting it into Attila, why not reintegrate it into Rome 2? And before anyone jumps on this and yells "that would be time consuming its a new engine", Attila is a new game.
Putting a family tree and the features people wanted in Rome 2 into Rome 2 would have taken less time.
I'm going to enjoy Rome 2 while I can, but I'm also sure there won't be any more real DLCs coming out now. Hope people understand that Emperor Edition was like, the last "DLC."
Am I the only person who is completely disappointed by this development? Because they've fixed Rome 2 just now, and its finally playable, and all of a sudden, a new game is coming out. I'm sorry, but this is total cowpie. No wonder Rome 2 wasn't fixed as quickly as it should have been, they've been working on this the entire time.
I did not buy into the hype, but after playing this... the game is extremely well made, and I think Kevin hands that off to the developer. But the problem is this: this game is so repetitive my eyes were about to fall out.
If you felt that Dragon Age 2 was repetitive, for instance, you are not prepared for Destiny.
@hastati4 This may be true for AB, but for RB, it is blatantly false. In the current MM system, as you progress into higher tiers, you will find yourself going up versus jets in props very often. Of course, said props are not going to be peashooters, but because of the fact that the tiering of the planes is not determined by some value set by the developers, but by the combined statistics of the players using the plane, extremely unfair MM is often the result.
@deadpeasant @_distemper My bad, I just checked and you're right. Unfortunately I cannot edit my post to reflect that though.
However, news of this is not going to bring me back to the game. The fact that the BR's of planes still changed based on the statistics of players using them, and the fact that this has resulted in things like N1K2s going up versus era American jets 75% of the time, despite the fact that Bearcats are now more than capable of taking them on is just plain ridiculous.
Not to mention the fact that almost every single Russian aircraft in the game is grossly undertiered.
Like I said in the post, this is a great game with great potential, ruined by a developer with no idea what to do.
This is a PS4 review, but if you are going to base your decision to get into this game on PC on this review, read this first:
This is an excellent game, but it is run by the WORST developer I've ever seen in my life. Never have I seen such flagrant bias towards certain nations in the game(namely Japan), and a matchmaking system that actively PUNISHES good players for being skillful by raising the battle ratings of their planes by 1.3 if they have a positive K/D in said plane.
Essentially the way things work is this: If the devs keep making money, they don't care. They do not listen to the community, especially not the international community(Russian developer). There are some mods who try to convey the community's ideas to the main devs, but based on the ridiculous amount of bull that they've continually come up with, it's evident that no one is listening.
I've put 700+ hrs into this game and so have many others who agree with me. The grind has gotten worse, not to mention the fact that the developer suddenly decided to devalue all the ingame currency by making everything in game more expensive, without warning, and without adjusting(for inflation) the ingame wallets of anyone who had purchased the currency before the change.
At this point, you might think I'm one raging fanboy who got rubbed the wrong way. I'm not. Scroll down to see the steam reviews: http://store.steampowered.com/app/236390/
"Piracy doesn't equate to sales, and you know that. People who pirate games, had they not been able to, would have just never played it ever instead."
Isn't there a bit of a massive gaping logical fallacy in your own argument? You're making a false assumption that people who pirate games would not buy games had they suddenly lost the ability to pirate those games. What justification do you have for this? You do realize that if we go by your logic, if piracy disappeared, people who pirate games would stop playing video games altogether?
Your claim that piracy results in opening people's minds to things they haven't experienced is what sites like Gamespot, IGN, and hundreds of game review sites are for. Piracy is not a necessary condition for making informed choices. It's nothing more than petty theft while hiding behind the internet's veil of anonymity, and on those grounds ALONE, it cannot be justified - not by lack of wealth, not by lack of information, and most definitely not by some contrived notion that depends on assumption that you practically made up.
_distemper's comments