@mjswooosh @poster012 I disagree - American culture is very different from many other cultures around the world because it revolves around the individual, not the community or a familial unit. Simply because you find this kind of culture distasteful doesn't mean you should attach negative connotations to the culture itself. I have just as little right, for instance, to call the French people government-dependent communists who leech off the productive members of their society, or the Chinese a nation of closed-minded people with antiquated family values based on filial duty.
Seeing this product really highlights something that I see is an issue with our society in general. Americans live very comfortably, yet still feel poor, mostly because we spend almost everything we make. I consistently read on online forums and boards how people struggle to pay rent, etc... By NOT buying three different video game consoles, a flatscreen TV, a gaming computer, multiple couches, video games, all these peripherals, while having to maintain a healthy diet, at 22, I've already managed to save a great deal of money.
I'm not saying that people should give up gaming or entertainment in general - just that people should decide at some point what they want, because they can't have everything. For instance, I decided on a gaming computer and put one together using an old dell tower and parts I ordered off when they were on sale on NewEgg. When I did this, I knew that I wasn't going to have an XBox or a PS3 - I simply wouldn't be able to afford it.
Unlike my friends, who have spent every paycheck on gaming peripherals, gaming consoles, and video games, I saved several thousand dollars over several years.
Yes, people should be paid much, much more, and wages in the US need to rise accordingly. But it's not just a wage issue, it's a spending issue.
@WeWerePirates The only very good peripherals that Razer makes are its mice, imo. Mice were what the company started out doing and are what they are still good at.
The NRA trying to blame gun violence on violent video games is not pathetic, it's stupid. Do they realize that if they did not have the marketing that video games provided, they wouldn't have the clientbase they have today?
The real issue here, regardless of video games or guns, is the parents, but most of all, the parents' INABILITY to own up to their own mistakes. The shooter's mother should have had her son condemned to a mental institution or the parent who bought his 15-year old son a M-rated video game should not have, are to blame.
Lorenzoa88, I completely agree. I believe in the 2nd Amendment and especially what it stands for. I believe that the government allowing its citizens is the ultimate expression of freedom and the last resort check on tyranny, even though, as spammehardo points out, a successful rebellion vs the US military is nigh impossible. Even then, why do average americans need SAWs, M16s, or AK47s?
@SythisTaru @yearssomuch I did not like ME2 or 3 as much as the first game, because even though the shooting and combat was refined, the latter games lost the RPG elements that made the series special. We cannot, however, forget that bioware really did break ground with the series, however. Up till mass effect, there had been nothing like it.
@kiramasaki That is a really interesting observation, but I feel that it is intentional. Previous bioware rpg characters were given no background history and very few traits so as to allow the player to be able to fill in these blanks. This is a hallmark of the western style rpg, compared to the jrpg, which usually starts with very defined characters and fixed storylines. Even in cases where the main character had a given name, such as Revan and Shepard in KotOR and Mass Effect, a great deal of freedom was given to the player so that we can walk in the character's shoes, rather than view their story as if it were a film.
Minor spoilers below: So, uh, what's the point of any DLC to this game at all?
What's the point of mystery, darkness, spooky isolation feel - and a crazy cool new thing that can kill Reapers... when no matter what, none of the choices and prep-work you go through has no effect on the ending? You saved the Rachni? Red/Blue. You get mercenaries to help? Red/Blue. You find Leviathan? Red/Blue.
Oh wait - I bet that when you actually do find Leviathan, you'll get a bonus to your "Readiness Score." Maybe then you'll unlock the incredibly different and closure-providing(sarcasm) GREEN ending!!!!
If you guys want to really let bioware know how disappointed you are at ME3: DO NOT BUY THIS DLC. BOYCOTT IT.
Such protest was effective back in the industrial age, and it is still effective today.
_distemper's comments